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"She were on the stage, she were, an' my eye, what a swell she were, with all the coves a-dyin' for 'er, an' she dancin' over their black 'earts, cuss 'em; but she was allays good to me till 'e came." "Who came?" "'E!" yelled the old woman, raising herself on her arm, her eyes sparkling with vindictive fury.

As the father of nine young children and thirty cows to milk with my wife's 'elp, I 'old she musn't be kep' from work, but h'I propose if we can't do anything else that a card of sympathy be sent to hold Hengland from the Creation Searchin' Society of America, tellin' 'em 'ow our 'earts bleeds for the men's sufferin' and 'ardships in 'avin' to leave their hoccupations to beat and 'aul round and drive females to jails, and feed 'em with rubber hose through their noses to keep 'em from starvin' to death for what they call their principles."

Our steward is a funny little man, very small and thin, with pale yellow hair; he reminds me of a moulting canary, and his voice cheeps and is rather canary-like too. He is really a very kind little steward and trots about most diligently on our errands, and tries to cheer us by tales of the people he has known who have died of sea-sickness: "Strained their 'earts, Miss, that's wot they done!"

They's pinin' for the streets long afore you'd h'ever believe it, their 'earts ain't satisfied with beads and paper, childern's obliged to have a little willainy mixed in." But despite 'Tildy's pessimistic views, on the fifth morning of their absence, Miss Ruth had just determined to send around to the Tenement, when a knock summoned her to the door.

Breakin' hearts an' spoilin' lives aw've seen them floowers bloomin'." "'E didn't break no witherin' 'earts, an' 'e didn't spoil no lives. The lydies was both married afore Macnamara got as far as Wady Halfar. 'E break 'earts not much! 'E went to Khartoum to be quiet." "Aw'm pityin' the laads that married them lasses." "'Ere, keep your bloomin' pity. I wuz one.

Away out on the plain a string of harassed recruits trotted round a rough manege lustily encouraged to a rigid observance of the good old maxim, "'eels an' 'ands low; 'eads an' 'earts 'igh," by the astonishing profanity of their riding-master; and beyond them their more proficient comrades charged with wild yells upon a long line of stuffed sacks representing a terror-stricken foe waiting patiently to be spitted.

It's an appribute to God inself It is in the thorny 'earts of kings But not in the fit and dread of kings." I asked the boy what he meant to be when he was a man. He answered with decision: "A reciterer."

'E didn't break no witherin' 'earts, an' 'e didn't spoil no lives. The lydies was both married afore Macnamara got as far as Wady Halfar. 'E break 'earts not much! 'E went to Khartoum to be quiet." "Aw'm pityin' the laads that married them lasses." "'Ere, keep your bloomin' pity. I wuz one.

'P'raps, her voice quivered, 'p'raps your children never goes 'ungry, and maybe you're satisfied though I must say I wouldn't a thought it from the look o' yer. 'Oh, I s'y! 'But we women are not satisfied. We don't only want better things for our own children; we want better things for all. Every child is our child. We know in our 'earts we oughtn't to rest till we've mothered 'em every one.

He asked that which would banish you and Roger dear, brave, patient Roger from my side forever, and I will never see his face again. Oh, oh, I wish I could die!" "I'm a plain voman," Mrs. Wheaton said grimly, "but I took the measure of 'im soon as I clapped my heyes on 'im; but, Millie, me darlin', you couldn't be so cruel as to break hour 'earts by dying for sich a man.