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I confess I see none." As Seguin made this appeal, all eyes were turned upon the trapper. "Why, cap, I kin surgest my own notion o' the thing. It may be right, an' it mayn't be right; but if it wur follered out, there'll be neither 'Pash nor Navagh that'll smell where we go for a week. If they diz, 'ee may cut my ears off." This was a favourite joke with Rube, and the hunters only laughed.

A certain hidden hearer instantly made up her mind to rush out between the two young men and be a heroine. "Non, non!" exclaimed M. D'Hemecourt excitedly. "Nod in de Café des Exilés nod now, Madjor. Go in dad door, hif you pliz, Madjor. You will heer 'im w'at he 'ave to say. Mague you'sev de troub'. Nod dad door diz one."

"Ye lifted a gey big burden from 'er heart last night, didn't ye, Johnny?" "Aye; an' if ye won't let on I'll tell ye, Anna." He came close and whispered into her ear: "Am goin' t' thry danged hard t' take th' heart as well as th' throuble!" "What diz Kitty think?" "She's switherin'."

No I neber seed whar hit went. Dis gate jes banged en banged all night. We could heat from de tother cabin. Uncle Liga en me moved erway next day en other people moved in dis cabin en dey saw de same thing en nobody would stay dar. Dem some time after dis diz cabin war torn down. "Once I hed a dream I knowed I ner bout saw hit.

"Yez!" continued Aurore, keeping up the demonstration, "you wand 'im to 'ave 'is rend so bad! An' I godd honely my cloze; so you juz tague diz to you' fine gen'lemen, 'Sieur Honoré Grandissime." "Ah-h-h-h!" cried the martyr.

"Valentine, I was sayin' to you dad diz pusson is a cowa'd and a sneak; I repead thad! I repead id! I spurn you! Go f'om yeh!" The apothecary stood like a cliff. It was too much for Creole forbearance. His adversary, with a long snarl of oaths, sprang forward and with a great sweep of his arm slapped the apothecary on the cheek. And then What a silence!

"Listen, dear," Anna said, "God's arm is not shortened." "Did ye think that an arm could be stretched from beyont th' clouds t' Pogue's entry?" "Aye." "No, dear, but God takes a han' where ever He can find it and jist diz what He likes wi' it.

"And tell him te come and tyek the aad beast hyem hissel; or, if he likes, aa'll run hor on te Hogland for him." "Well, you do seem to understand your owner and speak plainly to him. I should think he knows he has got an excellent master who looks after his interest." "Interest! What diz he knaa aboot interest? He knaas mair aboot the West Docks. Understand him, d'ye say?

The Dizful. branch rises from two sources, nearly a degree apart, in lat. 33° 30'. These streams run respectively south-east and south-west, a distance of forty miles, to their junction near Bahrein, whence their united waters flow in a tortuous course, with a general direction of south, for above a hundred miles to the outer barrier of Zagros, which they penetrate near the Diz fort, through a succession of chasms and gorges.

"I think that will be enough for one meal, at all events," said El Sol, recovering the arrow, and putting it back into the quiver. "Ay!" replied the wit; "if we wants more we kin go back to the larder agin. It's a kind o' meat that eats better fresh, anyhow." "Well, it diz, hoss. Wagh! I'm in for a griskin o' the white. Hyar goes!"