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Sospite nunc patria, fracto nunc funeris antro, Mors ubi dira fuit vita salusque patent. I WAS sick sick unto death with that long agony; and when they at length unbound me, and I was permitted to sit, I felt that my senses were leaving me. The sentence the dread sentence of death was the last of distinct accentuation which reached my ears.

Si vous etes de ses amies, elle vous dira ce qui en est."* * "Correspondance complete du Mme. du Deffand," vol. i. The letters for the succeeding year contain frequent references to Carlisle's youthful passion.

May Dira aid me." The old man, as though stricken by palsy, repeated: "My daughter; oh, my daughter " Manlius compressed his lips; a bloody mist flickered before his eyes. "Your daughter? I will avenge one and kill the other! May Ate be with us both. As he spoke he swung himself upon his horse, and looking neither to the right nor to the left, galloped back at frantic speed to Rome.

Not that the Greek got rid of his gods far from it! but he made them so like himself, and lived on terms of such familiarity with them that they inspired no terror. "They made deities in their own image, in the likeness of an image of corruptible man. Sua cuique deu fit dira cupido.

The Dira only served to confirm him in his first opinion, that it was his destiny to die in the ensuing combat. And in this sense are those words of Virgil to be taken "Non me tua turbida virtus Terret, ait; dii me terrent, et Jupiter hostis." I wonder Ruaeus saw not this, where he charges his author so unjustly for giving Turnus a second sword to no purpose.

Stories are told of men who counterfeited blindness for years in order to keep the employment. In Moslem cities the stranger required to be careful how he appeared at a window or on the gallery of a minaret: the people hate to be overlooked and the whizzing of a bullet was the warning to be off. "Dare' " or "Dira'," a habergeon, a coat of ring- mail, sometimes worn in pairs.

Respondióme que era gran verdad que él con su trabajo los habia notado en la Biblia sin ayudarse de otro libro; y créolo porque no se precia de leer ni aun á los sanctos, y promete que de improviso dirá una hora y mas sobre cualquier paso de la Biblia que le abrieren; y si le dicen que lea los sanctos dice que no los lee porque no le sirven de nada. XI, pp. 335-336. XI, p. 345. X, pp. 67 and 71.

He has never forgiven me for" omitting to cite him, &c. "Old Fleuri, when Maupertuis called to take leave, repeated that verse of Virgil, NEC TIBI REGNANDI VENIAT TAM DIRA CUPIDO. Fleuri might have whispered as much to himself: but he was a mild sovereign lord, and reigned in a gentle polite manner. Reminds you of Advertisements for things lost, so poor a chance of finding them again.

In a few minutes he will be numbered with the dead. Life ought, if possible, to be preserved, be the expense ever so great. Should the part affected admit of it, let a ligature be tied tight round the wound, and have immediate recourse to the knife: Continuo, culpam ferro compesce, priusquam Dira per infaustum serpant contagia corpus. And now, kind reader, it is time to bid thee farewell.

I said above that these two machines of the balance and the Dira were only ornamental, and that the success of the duel had been the same without them; for when AEneas and Turnus stood fronting each other before the altar, Turnus looked dejected, and his colour faded in his face, as if he desponded of the victory before the fight; and not only he, but all his party, when the strength of the two champions was judged by the proportion of their limbs, concluded it was impar pugna, and that their chief was overmatched.