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Updated: August 29, 2024

Marcus heard it, and his fury came instantly to a head. Rage at his defeat at the hands of the dentist and before Selina's eyes, the hate he still bore his old-time "pal" and the impotent wrath of his own powerlessness were suddenly unleashed. "God damn you! get off of me," he cried under his breath, spitting the words as a snake spits its venom. The little audience uttered a cry.

"Well, well, I guess perhaps that's right," the dentist would answer, looking slowly about on the floor. Just what should ultimately be done with the money was the subject of endless discussion in the Sieppe family. The savings bank would allow only three per cent., but Trina's parents believed that something better could be got.

It gave him a chance to say that if people would only go to a dentist once every three months Then he remembered that Tully was inside. He wouldn't make any excuse at all. "Going out a few minutes," he explained to old Metzeger as he swiftly changed from his office coat and adjusted the new straw hat. Bulger glanced up from his machine, winked at him and shaped a word with his able mouth.

She hasn't stubbed her toe against a rocking-chair lately, thank goodness." Doc Simpson stopped Courtney as he was starting upstairs after dinner. The dentist was unsmiling. "Say, Court, I'm running a little close this week. Been so much excitement a lot of patients have forgotten all about their teeth. Can you let me have that ten you borrowed last week?"

A great robbery was followed by a long chase, a chase of days if not of weeks, among the intricate hill-country; and the chase was followed by much desultory fighting, in which several and the dentist, I believe, amongst the number bit the dust. The grass was springing for the first time, nourished upon their blood, when I arrived in Calistoga.

About six o'clock I received a note from the Empress saying that she had gone to the two houses we had named, but that no one was there, and then, not knowing what to do, had in despair thought of Dr. Evans, the dentist, and had driven to his house, where she was in safety for the moment." "What a dreadful moment for the Empress! How did she dare to send the note to you?"

A woman who had suffered from this fear for a lifetime, and who had been learning to drop resistances in other ways, was once brought face to face with the necessity for going to the dentist, and the old fear was at once aroused, something like the feeling one might have in preparing for the guillotine, and she suffered from it a day or two before she remembered her new principles.

Carr-Boldt, and was a favorite with every one, from the rather stolid, silent head of the house down to the least of the maids. She was so busy, so unaffected, so sympathetic, that her sudden rise in favor was resented by no one. The children went cheerfully even to the dentist with their adored Miss Peggy; they soon preferred her escort to matinee or zoo to that of any other person.

"Oh, surely!" I said. "One might mention, for instance, the act of visiting the dentist. Or what is more important, and what, I suppose, Parry had in his mind, there is the whole class of activities which one distinguishes as moral." "Do you mean to say," said Parry, "that moral action has no Good in itself but is only a means to some other Good?"

"Miss Trevert," he said, when the manager, a blond and suave Swiss, had presented himself, "has been to the dentist and has been rather upset by the gas. Would you get one of the maids to help her up to her room and in the meantime telephone for a doctor. If there is an English doctor in Rotterdam, I should prefer to have him!" The manager clicked in sympathy.

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