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Or, like a dentist, he seemed intent upon examining their teeth. Quite as often, he would be brushing out their touch-holes with a little wisp of oakum, like a Chinese barber in Canton, cleaning a patient's ear.

"I guess I'll just naturally have to carry YOU," he muttered. He blew out the candle, closed the door, and gained the street again. The dentist crossed the city, going back to the music store. It was a little after eleven o'clock. The night was moonless, filled with a gray blur of faint light that seemed to come from all quarters of the horizon at once.

"Me?" he gasped. "You," with deadly softness. "You." Horror and anguish encompassed him. Perspiration appeared on his forehead, and he gripped the arms of his chair as one bracing himself for torture. He looked at the little lady with the terror of one to whom the dentist has just said: "That jaw tooth must come out at once. Open your mouth wider, please, so I can get a grip!"

As Chester went in at the door a figure arose slowly from its position flung full length, face downward, on a couch in the shadowy inner office and came into view. "Toothache? Dentist down the street," said a blurred voice unsympathetically. Chester laughed. "Oh, come, Red," said he. "Give me some of that headache dope. I'm all out." "Glad to hear it. You don't get any more from me." "Why not?

He follows the good woman to the borders of Paradise and leaves her with a polite bow; but he follows the bad woman to the depths of hell. It is easy to trust in God until he permits us to suffer. The dentist seems a skilled benefactor to mankind when we look at his sign from the street. When we sit in his chair he seems a brute, armed with devil's implements.

I have sent Laura to pack her things now." "I'm afraid it is too late for her, poor girl!" said Mr. Ashton. "She would be miserable, and her father would blame me, and I don't like it," said Mrs. Ashton. "And I am tired of New York." "There's your dentist," suggested Mr. Ashton. "I can come again," answered his wife. Arnold's determination was made.

The consequence was a sensation as if a dentist were killing the nerves of twenty-five teeth at once with hot irons, or cold ones, which would hurt rather worse. The Deacon swallowed something with a spasmodic effort, and recovered pretty soon and received the congratulations of his friends.

Many of the buildings had their titles still upon them. In one place I saw the blackened and almost illegible plate of a lawyer, in another a large still fresh-looking advertisement of a dentist, here there was the large lettering "Tobacconist," there upon a trembling wall the tattered remains of an announcement of a sale of furniture.

"Nothing," continued the other, "nothing harder than a sharpened white-pine match should ever go between the teeth. Brush thoroughly but not violently once or twice daily with a moderately stiff brush dipped in soft water into which has been dropped a few drops of the tincture of myrrh. A brush of badger's hair is best. If tartar accumulates, have it removed by a dentist.

Paupers, and I am so miserable. The weddings will never come off; all that is past; we could not even buy the dentist, now." A bitter reproach was on Sally's tongue: "I BEGGED you to sell, but you " He did not say it; he had not the heart to add a hurt to that broken and repentant spirit. A nobler thought came to him and he said: "Bear up, my Aleck, all is not lost!