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Wilmot, a handsome widow, whom Frederick Armstrong and his masculine friends were wont to call "a dasher;" Miss Fermor, a rather pretty girl, with a piquant nose and sparkling hazel eyes; and Miss Barbara Fermor, tall and slim and dark, with a romantic air.

He grabbed the dasher and churned vigorously for one minute. "I reckon the butter's done come," he announced, resting from his labors. "It hasn't begun to come yet," replied the exasperated woman. "Don't waste so much time, William." The child churned in silence for the space of two minutes, and suggested: "It's time to put hot water in it; Aunt Cindy always puts hot water in it.

People said it was entirely a love match; but, whether that was the case or no, all I know is, that on changing the honoured name of Planetree the first Earl had been boot-black to the conquering Cromwell in Ireland for the base-born patronymic Dasher, all her troubles began. Her noble relatives cut her dead in the first instance, as Dasher, aspiring though he was, aspired a trifle too high.

"Glad of that," answered the new settler, cheerily, and, with a glance at the handle of the dasher, "I think that butter's come." IT was just a week later when she rode south and took charge of the school. The day was full of joy and misgivings.

Their name is Clyde, and they have a good deal of money, I believe," said Bessie Dasher. "Bai-ey Je-ove!" exclaimed Horner. "I say, old fellah, p'waps they ah those ladies in hawf-mawning, ah?" "Dear me! this is quite interesting," said Miss Spight. "Do let me know what the joke is about ladies in half-mourning, Mr Lorton something romantic, I've no doubt."

"We had a good congregation to-day, Lady Dasher, I think," said I; "the church seemed to be quite crammed." "Really, now; do you think so? I did not consider it at all a large gathering. When poor dear papa was alive, I've seen twice the number there, I am certain.

"And mine are stronger still," Mark laughingly rejoined, as he put Helen aside and plied the dasher himself, in spite of her protestations that he would certainly ruin his clothes.

I have often noticed that even quiet horses, on a sharp November morning, when their coats are just beginning to get the winter roughness, will give little sportive demi-kicks, with slight sudden elevation of the subsequent region of the body, and a sharp short whinny, by no means intending to put their heels through the dasher, or to address the driver rudely, but feeling, to use a familiar word, frisky.

I declare, Mother, the bodice is tight for you. You're growing! You're surely growing!" Dame Brinker laughed. "This was made long ago, lovey, when I wasn't much thicker about the waist than a churn dasher. And how do you like the cap?" she asked, turning her head from side to side. "Oh, EVER so much, Mother. It's b-e-a-u-tiful! See, the father is looking!" Was the father looking?

Elizabeth stooped to gather Jack into her arms and made no reply. "It's as hot as th' devil in here," Nathan said, taking his coat off. "Here let me have a turn at that churn. You ought t' be in bed. That's where Sue'd put you if she was here." He took the dasher into his own hand and began a brave onslaught on the over-sour cream. The butter gave signs of coming, but would not gather.