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The joyful intelligence was circulated by the pleased Lady Dasher, that, Mr Mawley had at length proposed for her daughter, Bessie. It was time for it, as he had angled around and nibbled warily at the tempting bait offered him like the knowing fish that he was for months before he would permit himself to be caught!

And when I saw them returning home in this airy fashion, as if they were the soul and I in the stuffy Dick Dasher were the body, I renewed a certain distaste for them, since in their lives these Proudfits seemed goblin-like, with no interest in any save their own picturesque flittings.

There's court-plaster and corn-salve and quinine and tooth-powder and a dozen milk bottles for the babies, and plenty of cans to put things in. That's a good start for my drug store." "The drug store and the patients, but the building!" I exclaimed. "Only a dream! I don't want to be a cold-water dasher but, Jane Gray, where will your visions lead you?"

Seex times ees mon coeur brise, and I was desole; and now, you sees, I'm of a light heart still!" and he laughed so cheerily, that, even Lady Dasher, I think, could not have well helped chiming in with his merriment. I did not laugh, however. "Pardon me, monsieur," I said, "I'm not in a joking mood."

No setting of the milk in shallow pans for cream to rise; no skimming and putting away in jars until "churning day," when the thick cream was agitated by a strong arm until the butter came, then worked and salted. Instead, there is a daily pouring of the unskimmed soured milk into a common churn, perhaps somewhat larger than ordinary. The dasher is fastened to a shaft, which is moved by a crank.

Well, I took hold of the churn dasher and helped her, and she pretended to be afraid that we might turn the churn over, and our hands came together and I felt like throwing up my hat and dancing right there." "Did you find out as to how she stands?" "Lyman, would you believe that I weakened?

Of course, were she free of this incubus Peregrine, free to live for her own happiness instead of his, I should have her wedded and wifed while you were thinking about it." "Aye," sighed my uncle George, "you were always such an infernal dasher " "As it is, the boy will grow into a priggish, self-satisfied do-nothing, and she into an adoring, solitary old woman " "Julia! An old woman! Good God!

"A body'd think you were seventy-five years old and had the rheumatism to see you move! Come and work the churn a bit. 'Twill limber you up." Jock knew that arguments were useless. His father had told him, girl's work or not, he was to help Jean, so he slowly dragged into the house and slowly began to move the dasher up and down. "Havers!" said Jean, when she could stand it no longer.

Drain the apricots from the can, mash them through a colander, add the sugar and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Cover the gelatin with a half cupful of cold water and soak for a half hour. Stand it over hot water, stir until dissolved, add it to the apricot mixture, and freeze. When frozen, remove the dasher and stir in the cream whipped to a stiff froth.

And what a rueful countenance the young captain of the team displayed! "Suffering Ebenezer, man, but what has happened?" gasped Dave. All the other Gridley youngsters stopped half way in their togging to listen for the reply. "Nothing much," grunted Dick. "Yet it came near to being too much. A man bumped me, as I was getting on the car, and drove me against the iron dasher.