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Updated: August 14, 2024

At last there was neither sound nor gleam, but the utmost solitude, and a darkness and silence and the uttermost profundity of sorrow.... It was bright day. Dunk had just come into the room with his tea, and the tumbler of Dr. Dale's tonic stood untouched upon the night-table. The bishop sat up in bed. He had missed his opportunity. To-day was a busy day, he knew.

I Master Jim, sir I I am an old man now, sir, but I dandled you on my knee when you were only a wee tot, sir, and and you'll forgive me, sir, if I presume beyond my station, only only " His voice broke suddenly; his eyes were full of tears. Jimmie Dale's hand went out, both of them, and were laid affectionately on the old man's shoulders.

Fork it over, or I'll bore you an' take it from your clothes!" Dale's face whitened; for a moment he sat rigid, staring, his eyes boring into Sanderson's. Then he reached into a pocket, drew out a dirty envelope, and threw it at Sanderson's feet. "You're a damned smart boy, ain't you, Bransford?" he sneered. "But I'm out to get you remember that!" "And you remember this, Dale!"

All material property would be charged with Mavis' loan, and the value of the good-will would be repaid how and when he could repay it. Mr. Bates was content to risk that part of the bargain on his faith in Dale's personal integrity. "Don't say any more," cried Mavis. "I'm not understanding it, but I know it's all right. Do let's get it settled before Mr. Bates alters his mind."

Other people as well as Dale noticed the freshness and unforced music of Norah's singing, and it was not long before she received an invitation to sing among the regularly trained young women at the chapel. On the morning when she left Dale's side to take her place upon the platform she was woefully nervous.

"You might go up with him to your uncle," said Mrs Dale. "Indeed, I promised to go up myself, and so did you, Grace, to see the microscope. I heard Mr Dale give orders that one of those long-legged reptiles should be caught on purpose for your inspection." Mrs Dale's little scheme for bringing the two together was very transparent, but it was not the less wise on that account.

Jimmie Dale's eyes shifted to the trapdoor, and into them crept a contemptuous and sardonic smile the man who was coming up now and hoisting himself to the floor was the man who, half an hour before, had threatened young Sammy Matthews with arrest.

Goodness knows why I am thinking of it. It's for your sake. Do you know that?" I did not. I was puzzled. Why in the world should Lola Brandt, whom I have only met three or four times, revolutionise the whole of her life for my sake? "I should have thought it was for Dale's," said I. "I suppose you would, being a man," she replied.

Dale's thoughts were like those of a drowning sailor, when through the darkness and the storm he hears the voice of approaching aid. He had been going down in the deep, cruel waters, with the longed-for lights of home, the adored face of his wife, the dreaded gates of hell, all dancing wildly before his eyes and now. Breath again, hope again, life again.

Then a smile played over Jimmie Dale's lips, half grim, half wistful; and the strong, square jaw was suddenly out-flung. If she was alive, he would find her; if she was dead his clenched hand lifted above his head as though to register a vow the man or men, her murderer or murderers, whether to-morrow or in the years to come, would know a day of reckoning when they should pay the debt!

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