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All the ladies were strangely scandalised at this, but none dared say a word, not even Madame de Lude, lady in waiting on the Duchesse de Bourgogne, who, for her part also, felt the insolence of the act, but dared not speak, being so young. As for the Duchesse de Rohan, feeling that opposition must lead to fisticuffs, she curtseyed to the Duchess, and quietly retired to another place.

"The king's business is glad to step aside for yours, mademoiselle." She curtseyed, blushing, hiding her eyes under their sooty lashes; thinking as I did, I made no doubt, here was a king indeed. His Majesty went on: "I can well believe, mademoiselle, 'tis no trifling matter brings you at midnight to our rough camp.

There she curtseyed thrice, twice to the queen, and once to the king, her consort; then, turning, bowed to the marquis, who fixed his eyes upon the ground and took no note, bowed to Castell and Peter, and lastly, advancing to Margaret, gave her her cheek to kiss. This Margaret did with becoming humility, whispering in her ear: "How fares your Grace?"

Marietta curtseyed in some confusion. "I don't remember seeing you at the villa, signor," she said, "so pray excuse me." "No excuses, pretty Marietta; I am not a very constant visitor, yet I have seen you, and yours is a face once seen not easily forgotten." Marietta, like a true daughter of Eve, did not object to this sort of thing.

Thaddeus bowed; the younger of the ladies curtseyed; and so did the other, not forgetting to accompany such condescension with a toss of the head, that the effect of undue humility might be done away. Whilst a servant was setting chairs round a table, on which was painted the Judgment of Hercules, Lady Dundas again opened her lips. "Pray, Mr.

On this, a stout fresh-coloured woman, the picture of health, was ushered in and curtseyed all round. "Well, what is the matter now?" inquired Sampson rather roughly. "Be seated, Mrs. Maxley," said Mrs. Dodd, benignly. "I thank ye kindly, ma'am;" and she sat down. "Doctor, it is that pain." "Well, don't say 'that pain. Describe it. Now listen all of ye; ye're goen to get a clinical lecture."

'Tis not possible to mistake the voice of sympathy, and Mrs Gunning rising from her chair, curtseyed in her turn, and begged the visitor to be seated. "Lord, Madam," says she, "you catch us very unfit for company; but so kind a heart needs no excuse, and I will be candid with you. We are of birth and breeding like yourself." I am Mrs. Gunning of Castle Coote, and such is my condition!"

Trevelyan curtseyed also as she rang the bell; and, though she was sore and wretched, and, in truth, sadly frightened, she was not awkward. In that encounter, so far as it had gone, she had been the victor. As soon as she was alone and the carriage had been driven well away from the door, Mrs. Trevelyan left the drawing-room and went up to the nursery.

Blushing like scarlet, she got up to hide an embarrassment not to be subdued; and hastily wishing the countess a good-morning curtseyed to him and left the room. Her ladyship entered her carriage with feelings all in commotion. These were her ladyship's resolutions, while she rolled along towards St. James's Place.

Then his face changed; the mask of noble calmness, for a moment fallen, resumed itself, and he bowed before her with the reverence of a courtly gentleman, undisturbed by the unexpectedness of his recognition of her neighbourhood. "Madam," he said, "pardon my unconsciousness that you were near me. You would pass?" And he made way for her. She curtseyed, asking his pardon with her dull, soft eyes.