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Heliodore did not answer, for at that moment Martina entered. Seeing Irene for the first time, she forgot everything that had passed and curtseyed to her in the old fashion, murmuring the familiar words, "Thy servant greets thee, Augusta." "Nay, use not that title, Martina, to one who has done with the world and its vanities.

The lady of the caravan was in the act of gathering her tea equipage together preparatory to clearing the table, but noting the child's anxious manner she hesitated and stopped. The child curtseyed, thanked her for her information, and giving her hand to the old man had already got some fifty yards or so away, when the lady of the caravan called to her to return.

Confused by the looks and whispers of the girls, Nell stood with downcast eyes and suffered the procession to pass on, until Miss Monflathers, bringing up the rear, approached her, when she curtseyed and presented her little packet; on receipt whereof Miss Monflathers commanded that the line should halt. 'You're the wax-work child, are you not? said Miss Monflathers.

"I shall treasure it, Miss Manners, as a memento of the greatest joy of my life. And that has been," gracefully taking her hand and mine, "the bringing you two together again." Dorothy grew scarlet as she curtseyed. As for me, I could speak never a word. He stepped over the side to hand her into the wherry, and embraced me once again.

To some she was gracious, at some she stared as if she could see through them to the wall beyond, at some she muttered with her lips and looked about, as if she were uneasy till they were gone. All the women curtseyed and kissed her hand, and presently Heriolf brought Gudrid to her. Gudrid did not kiss her hand, but curtseyed and spoke her fairly. Thorberg frowned, not unkindly.

After a space he came to the door and called, and took me by the hand, and I went in with him. Though his eyes were wet, he bore himself like a cavalier. "Mother, this is Mr. Richard Carvell heir to Carvel Hall in Maryland, a young gentleman whom I have had the honour to rescue from a slaver." I bowed low, such was my respect for Dame Paul, and she rose and curtseyed.

Fleetwood drew up at the Royal Sovereign, whereof the reigning monarch, in blue uniform on the signboard, curtseyed to his equally windy subjects; and a small congregation of the aged, and some cripples and infants, greeted the patron of Old England's manfullest display, cheering at news of the fight, brought them by many little runners.

Then she curtseyed low, and walked out on to the landing-place. "Clara," she cried, "I'm waiting for you, sixpence a quarter of an hour, remember that." In a minute or two Clara came out to her, and then Mrs Van Siever and Miss Van Siever took their departure. "Oh, Conway, what am I to do? what am I to do?" said Mrs Dobbs Broughton.

What is it that I can do for you?" There was no embarrassment except that of modesty as she curtseyed before him. She might have been a young duchess by the frankness with which she met his look. "I come from Marie Rondeau," she said, "who has sprained her foot and cannot walk. Mr. Bashley said she might send for the money due to her if she was still lame."

And so now good-bye." They both curtseyed angrily, and Mrs Piozzi proceeded quickly down the drive, then suddenly turned and ran back, both hands outstretched: "Fanny, Fanny, I can't " she panted. "It all so rose on me with the sight of you.