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"Indians?" repeated Hans Mueller. "Vere is da?" "They say a band of them are in the woods around here," answered Tom. "If you go out you want to be careful or they may scalp you." "Cracious, Rofer, ton't say dot!" cried Mueller in alarm. "Vot is dem Indians doing here annavay?" "They came in East to hunt up some buffalo that got away.

Allen, let's be getting forward, I can hardly wait till I see my boy." The horses plunged forward and clattered down the hillside. Geisler watched them till a bend in the road below hid them from view. Then he turned slowly to reenter the stockade. "Py chiminy," he muttered, emitting huge clouds of blue smoke, "I dink me dere vos a vood-pile in dot nigger, py cracious."

One went up with a swoop, to come down with a bang on the rocks, thus knocking itself into a hundred pieces. "Mine cracious, look at dot!" burst out Hans Mueller. "Mine Gretchen kite vos busted up und I spent me feefteen cents on him alreety!" and a roar went up. "Never mind, Hans," said Dick. "You can help sail the Katydid. She will pull strong enough for two, I am sure."

"I think it was a little salty," came from Fred Garrison. "Mine cracious me! Of dot's so I vos poisoned, sure. Run for der toctor kvick!" "Here, eat some jam, Hans. That will counteract the effect of the poison," said Tom, and handed over a small dish with jam in it, over which he had just sprinkled the pepper with an exceedingly liberal hand.

"Vot vos dot?" gasped Hans Dunnerwurst. "You don'd pelief me! Dit ten thousand dollars pet you, Ephie? Mine cootness cracious sakes alife! You vos a spordt!" "I'm a tarnal fool!" mumbled Gallup. "I know it." "Then you did make a bet, Ephraim?" said Frank, unable to repress his feeling of dismay. "Yes, I done it! I hope the whole blamed bunch will kick me!

"Vot is von celebration midowit firevorks, hey? He vos chust noddings!" "Do you want another pistol explosion?" asked one of the others, referring to an incident between Tom Rover and Hans which had nearly ended in a tragedy. "Mine cracious, no!" howled the German lad. "I go me not py a hundred feet mid an old pistol again alrietty!

"Well, you won't have to carry any more baggage for a long while to come," said Mr. Rover, with a smile, and then had Aleck take the things below. When Hans saw the elegant staterooms, and the main saloon of the steam yacht with its beautiful mirrors and rich carvings, his eyes bulged out like saucers. "Mine cracious!" he gasped. "Vos dis der poat we sail in, udder vos dis a poat pelonging to Mr.

But you can't expect me to say that every time, can you?" questioned Sam innocently. "Mine cracious! vos dot his hull name?" burst in Hans Mueller. "It's apout as long as a freight drain, ain't it, alretty!" "No, my name is " "Perhaps I forgot one or two syllables," interrupted Sam. "Very sorry, I'm sure." "I said my name " "I know you said it, half a dozen times, Billy.

Then he was dumped on the ground with a dull thud. "Mine cracious! vot does dis mean annahow"? he demanded, as he struggled to his feet. "Does you vants to kill me alretty, drowing me aroundt like a log of vood, hey"? There was no answer, and now he looked at the cadets, to discover that each wore a black mask, with a hood from which two black horns protruded.

But before he could manage it, the thing was given a toss and up he went, high into the air. "Oh! Mine cracious!" he gasped and came down with a crash, to go up again an instant later. Then up and down went the boy, turning over and over, until he was all but dazed. "Stop! Murder! Fire! Robbers!" he roared. "Let me owid, kvick! I vos turning outsides in alretty! Oh, stop, von't you, blease!"