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"Pas convenable," she heard Mademoiselle say just behind her, "non, je connais ces gens-la, je vous promets... vraiment j'en ai peur...." Elsa responded with excited enquiries. They all trooped quietly in and the great doors closed behind them. "Vraiment j'ai peur," whispered Mademoiselle. Miriam saw a point of red light shining like a ruby far ahead in the gloom.

But in the "Préface Personnelle" in the same volume, p. 35, M. Comte tells us: "Je n'ai jamais lu, en aucune langue, ni Vico, ni Kant, ni Herder, ni Hegel, &c.; je ne connais leurs divers ouvrages que d'après quelques relations indirectes et certains extraits fort insuffisants." Who knows but that the "&c." may include Hume? And in that case what is the value of M. Comte's praise of him?

"Connais pas, mon capitaine," was his answer, after a considerable pause. "What! not know me! me, whom you made one of your own gallant company, calling me 'Burke of Ours'?" "Ah, par la barbe de Saint Pierre! is this my dear comrade of the Eighth? Why, where have you been? They said you left us forever and aye." "I tried it, François; but it wouldn't do."

Stahremberg, instructed from home, has no hesitation; nor has Pompadour herself, remembering that insolent "JE NE LA CONNAIS PAS," and the per-contra "MA COUSINE," "PRINCESSE ET SOEUR:" but Bernis, I suppose, looks into the practical difficulties; which are probably very considerable, to the Official French eye, in the present state of Europe and of the public mind.

Je connais de longue date les sentiments qui vous inspirent, et vous savez tout le prix que j'y attache. Vous avez raison de dire que l'avenir se montre assez sombre pour toutes les nations de l'Europe.

"Je ne connais qu'une scène, la nôtre," Madame Carré declared. "I'm assured by every one who knows that there's no other." "Very correctly assured," said Mr. Nash. "The theatre in our countries is puerile and barbarous." "There's something to be done for it, and perhaps mademoiselle's the person to do it," Sherringham contentiously suggested. "Ah but, en attendant, what can it do for her?"

He admitted, later in life, that he had been ignorant of human nature in the great body of mankind; for he said, on recounting the horrors of the 10th August, which he had witnessed at Paris "Je connais bien les grands, mais je ne connais pas les petits." It is hard to say whether Schiller belongs to the Greek or Romantic school in the drama.

"The chickens and the ducks, yes; but the turkey " Here he shrugs his shoulders desperate. "Je ne connais pas." "You jennie what?" says I. "Ah, come, Leon, don't be a quitter." He explains that the ways of our national bird are a complete mystery to him. He'd as soon think of tryin' to hatch out ostriches or canaries.

At first I thought them angels, but they did not leave me long under that delusion; three of the eldest and handsomest undertook the task of setting me right, and they managed so cleverly that in five minutes I knew them, at least, for what they were three arrant coquettes." "Je les connais!" exclaimed M. Pelet.

Whether the word "cynic" originates from a similar source I will not undertake to say; but I have more than half a suspicion that such talk proceeds rather from a prejudice against men than a genuine enthusiasm for dogs. This was doubtless the feeling of the Frenchman who said, "Plus je connais l'homme, plus je préfère le chien."