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Updated: August 19, 2024

Both ardently wished their father would propose taking them along; he did not: but when Dr. Conly said, with a kindly glance at Grace, "There will be room in my carriage for a little friend of mine, if papa is willing to let her go with us," he at once said, "Certainly, Gracie may go, if she will be ready in season, and not keep the doctor waiting."

I intend that you shall spend some days in solitude, except when I see fit to come to you, that you may have plenty of time and opportunity to think over your sinful conduct and its dire consequences." "I'm on the rack; For sure, the greatest evil man can know, Bears no proportion to the dread suspense." "Is there any change, doctor?" asked Capt. Raymond, meeting Arthur Conly in the hall.

Conly, and what the physician had then told him of his daughter's condition and the trial awaiting her in the near future. Rose was full of sympathy for Elsie, and so overcome at the thought of the trial she must so soon pass through that she could scarcely speak. They clung to each other in a long, tender embrace, Rose shedding tears, Elsie calm and quiet.

"I am obliged for your offer, but where would be the use? You may tell Ben to call a hack for me. I'll have it wait at Virginia's door and drive me to the wharf when I am ready to go." Edward, thinking he had never known her so considerate and kind, hastened to carry out her wishes, bidding Ben engage two hacks one for Mrs. Conly and another for themselves.

Conly, "all old and young seem very happy and interested in their various sports; and I think are gaining health and strength from the vigorous exercise in this pure air."

Dinsmore's parting injunction, as with a most affectionate farewell he left them in the sleeping-car. Mrs. Conly had joined them at the depôt, according to promise.

"Thank you," returned Harold, "but I have some rather urgent calls to make and hope to get mother to accompany me. I know of no one else who can say such comforting things to the sick and depressed." "Nor do I," responded Mrs. Conly.

The summons was promptly obeyed, and Violet left in the temporary charge of children, house, and servants at Ion. Mrs. Conly died that night, but the old gentleman lingered for several weeks, during which time his son was a constant attendant at his bedside, either Rose or Elsie almost always sharing the watch and labor of love.

Some festivities followed his return; then all settled down for the winter, Harold and Herbert Travilla taking up their medical studies with Dr. Conly, and Captain Raymond's pupils resuming such of their lessons as had been dropped for the time, though the wedding festivities had been allowed to interfere but little with them, as with the exception of Marian, now Mrs.

One man got caught in a twist of the rope as she gave her first spurt upward, and it slammed him up against a fence as if he'd been shot out of a gun. Smashed in three or four of his ribs, I believe, and cracked his leg. "But we went up beautifully about fifteen hundred feet, and while we were looking at the charming scenery we ran into a cloud, and I told Conly to throw out some ballast.

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