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Updated: August 28, 2024

I allowed I'd ruther have somebody that didn't know nobody, than such a clackin' ole he-hen as Chet." "I should have said that it was rather a hazardous thing to do," said John, "to put a total stranger like me into what is rather a confidential position, as well as a responsible one."

"Well," sez he, "the day I finished that plan you had company, and you and Miss Gowdey and she that wuz Submit Tewksbury kep' up such a confounded clackin' that a man couldn't hear himself think!" Sez I, "Josiah, you finished the plan the next day." "Well," sez he, "I kep' thinkin' of the clack. Now," sez he, "I'm goin' to build a house by rote and not by note.

I don't quite understand how you can be so sure." "His voice, sir. I knew his voice, which is kind o' thick and foggy. He tapped at the winder, about three it would be. 'Show a leg, matey, says he: 'time to turn out guard. My old man woke up Jim, that's my eldest, and away they went, without so much as a word to me. I could hear the wooden leg clackin' on the stones."

They'll look back an' think what a snake 'twas they had 'bout the house, I s'pose. Mother'll whine an' say, 'Ah! 'er was a bitter weed for sartain, an' faither'll thunder till the crocks rattle an' bid none dare foul the air wi' my name no more. But I be wearyin' of 'e wi' my clackin', Jan, dear heart?" "Not so, Joan never think that. I could listen to you till Doomsday.

Still she did not feel able to contradict this terrible old woman of the bright piercing eyes, with whom it seemed useless to have any subterfuges. "You don't be afeard I'll tell, me Lady. I keep meself to meself, away from the commonality round about here. She needn't have gone for me. I'd have held my tongue. 'Twasn't likely I'd want to set tongues clackin' about her that was good to me.

"I like the crowds, I do. A place where all ye hear all day is a mowin' merchine clackin', or see a hoss switchin' his tail to keep off the bluebottles, didn't never coax me, much." "The bucolic life does not tempt you, then?" said Laura, her eyes twinkling. "Never heard it called that afore. Colic's it serious thing 'specially with babies. But the city suits me, I can tell ye," said Liz.

Now, now, Will, 'fore the life's out of his li'l flutterin' body. Lay bare the cross, an' drag un out for God in heaven to see! Doan't stand clackin' theer, when every moment's worth more'n gawld." "So like's not He'll forgive 'e if 'e do," argued Mr. Blee.

I know everything that happens, but it's nowt but a lot o' women clackin'. If I'd not been a cripple, I'd ha' been at work for mony a year by now, 'arnin' money to save by an' go to 'Meriker." "You seem to be sort of stuck on America. How's that?" "What dost mean?" "I mean you seem to like it."

But, achora, don't let them be widout a nest egg; an' whishper maybe you'd breed a clackin' out o' them, that you might sell. Sure they'd help to buy duds of cloes for you; or you might make presents of the crathurs to the blessed an' holy collegian himself. Wouldn't it be good to have him an your side? He'd help to make a gintleman of you, any way. Faix, sure he does it for many, they say.

And now your dinner's ready. So eat it, without any more clackin'." Gwendolyn climbed upon the plump rounding seat of a white-and-gold chair. Jane settled down nearby, choosing an upholstered arm-chair spacious, comfort-giving. She lolled in it, at ease but watchful. "You can't think how that old butler spies on me," said Thomas, addressing her. "He seen the tray when I put it on the dumb-waiter.

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