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Lebon followed, after having given his torture-twisted hand to his beloved lieutenant, as well as to the Master. "Notre Père qui êtes aux cieux!" he stammered, as the pit received him. Then went Wallace, Ferrara, and Emilio. Of these three, only the last showed anything resembling the white feather.

In their tinkling service of worshipping the elevated host as the very God himself, they fall down also in adoration to the Virgin Mary, addressing her, as "Reine des Cieux! Intercedez pour nous, Mère de Dieu!" and proudly arrogate to the Church of Rome, the absolute interpretation of Scripture; forbidding the people to examine whether she does it rightly or not.

'Deja sans etre temeraire, Prenant votre vol jusqu'aux cieux, Vous pouvez egaler Voltaire, Et pres de Virgile et d'Homere. "Yes," said the king, as Voltaire ceased declaiming, and stood in rather a tragic attitude before him "yes, I confess that a sensitive nature like yours might find a thorn in these innocent rhymes.

Racine's "Esther" in the noble lines lauded by Voltaire might be almost rebuking Mr. Wells: Ce Dieu, maître absolu de la terre et des cieux, N'est point tel que l'erreur le figure

"Doux comme le Seigneur du cèdre et des hysopes, Je pisse vers les cieux bruns très haut et très loin, Avec l'assentiment des grands héliotropes." In women, also, there would appear to be traceable a somewhat similar ostentation, though in them it is complicated and largely inhibited by modesty, and at the same time diffused over the body owing to the absence of external sexual organs.

The doctor made the sign of the cross and raised his voice, while beneath his feet he felt that almost imperceptible oscillation which prefaces the moment in which a wreck is about to founder. He said, "Pater noster qui es in coelis." The Provençal repeated in French, "Notre Père qui êtes aux cieux." The Irishwoman repeated in Gaelic, understood by the Basque woman, "Ar nathair ata ar neamh."

She has fine broad brows and a patient face; when she smiles, out of mere kindness for my solitary goings, it is pleasant to note the gleam of light on her teeth and lips. I take off my hat, as Luca or Lippo would have done, to "ma cousine la Reine des cieux." Thus goes life In Pistoja and the rest of the world.

Avril, la grace, et le ris De Cypris, Le flair et la douce haleine; Avril, le parfum des dieux, Qui, des cieux, Sentent l'odeur de la plaine; C'est toy, courteis et gentil, Qui, d'exil Retire ces passageres, Ces arondelles qui vont, Et qui sont Du printemps les messageres. That is not by Ronsard, but by Remy Belleau, for Ronsard soon came to have a school.

"Esclave malheureux de la haute fortune, D'un roi trop indolent souverain absolu, Surcharge de travaux dont le soin L'importune. Bruhl, quitte des grandeurs L'embarras superflu. Au sein de ton opulence Je vois le Dieu des ennuis, Et dans ta magnificence Le repos fait tes units. "Descend de ce palais dont le superbe faite Domine sur la Saxe, s'elevent aux cieux.

Mon ame est l'arbre ou tous les soirs, comme elles, De blancs essaims de folles visions Tombent des cieux, en palpitant des ailes, Pour s'envoler des les premiers rayons. Finally, the effort to detach poetry from the inner world and make it an expression of outer things, is incompatible with its musical character.