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Nay, how was this? What, then, had loosed the link between us that, for the first time, the Goddess deigned no reply to her son and chosen servant? Could it be that I had sinned in heart against her? What had Charmion said that I loved Cleopatra? Was this sickness love? Nay! a thousand times nay! it was but the revolt of Nature against an act of treachery and blood.

It was Charmion, still beautiful as of old, but sad faced now and very sweet to see, with a patient fire slumbering in her downcast eyes. She entered unattended; and, speaking no word, the old wife pointed to where I sat, and went. "Old man," she said, addressing me, "lead me to the learned Olympus. I come upon the Queen's business." I rose, and, lifting my head, looked upon her.

"I hear thee, Cousin," I answered, marvelling that so young a woman she had but twenty years could weave so bold a plot, for in its origin the scheme was hers. But in those days I little knew Charmion. "Go on; how then shall I gain entrance to the palace of Cleopatra?" "Nay, Cousin, as things are it is easy. Thus: Cleopatra loves to look upon a man, and give me pardon thy face and form are fair.

"Ay," cried Charmion, "there still is hope, if thou wilt but play the man! O my Lord! come back with us; come back to the loving arms of Cleopatra! All night she lies upon her golden bed, and fills the hollow darkness with her groans for 'Antony! who, enamoured now of Grief, forgets his duty and his love!" "I come! I come! Shame upon me, that I dared to doubt her!

"How know I," I said, "that it was not thou who, in thy jealous anger, didst betray our plans? Charmion, long ago Sepa warned me against thee, and of a truth now that I recall " "It is like a traitor," she broke in, reddening to her brow, "to think that all are of his family, and hold a common mind!

"Wilt thou, my young and noble Lord" and I addressed him who was with Paulus "suffer that I look thee in the eyes; perhaps I may read what is written there?" "Right," answered the youth; "but I wish that the Lady Charmion was the sorceress. I would stare her out of countenance, I warrant." I took him by the hand and gazed deep into his eyes.

Instantly she was wide awake, and, gazing on me with tender eyes, "Yea, thou hast slept, Harmachis." "How long, then, have I slept?" "Nine hours." "And thou hast held thy place there, at my side, for nine long hours?" "Yes, it is nothing; I also have slept I feared to waken thee if I stirred." "Go, rest," I said; "it shames me to think of this thing. Go rest thee, Charmion!"

It is an insult to our sex which Nature's self abhors," and she leaned back again and laughed most musically. But, glancing up, I saw Charmion, her teeth on her lip and an angry frown upon her brow. "Pardon, royal Egypt," I answered coldly, but with such wit as I could summon, "before the Queen of Heaven even stars grow pale!"

"By Jupiter, he is a brave man! Myself felled like an ox in the shambles, and three of my boys finished by a man without armour and taken unawares! I grudge them not to such a man! A boon, Queen! spare his life, and give him to me!" "Ay, spare him! spare him!" cried Charmion, white and trembling.

Pharaoh, who, thy sins outworn, yet shalt rule in perfect peace o'er worlds I may not tread, who yet shalt sway a kinglier sceptre than that I robbed thee of, for ever, fare thee well!" She drank, cast down the cup, and for a moment stood with the wide eyes of one who looks for Death. Then He came, and Charmion the Egyptian fell prone upon the floor, dead.