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If he came to Glenavelin to-morrow, she would have liked to appear as already an acquaintance of so popular a guest. But such thoughts did not long hold their place. She was an honest young woman, and she readily confessed that fluent manners and the air of the cavaliere servente were things she did not love.

Brava!" calls out the cavaliere from his arm-chair, clapping his hands. "You did that beautifully, marchesa!" This was addressed to the swan's-neck, who had circled round, conducted by her partner, selecting such gentlemen as she pleased, and grouping them in one spot, in order to form a bouquet. "You couldn't have done it better if you had been taught in Paris.

Odo sprang up and slipped his arms into the dress-tunic his servant had brought him. "Write anything. Say that I am suddenly summoned by " "By the Count Alfieri?" Cantapresto suggested. "Count Alfieri? Is he here? He has returned?" "He arrived an hour ago, cavaliere. He sent you this Moorish scimitar with his compliments. I understand he comes recently from Spain."

The principal works of this sculptor are a "Bacchante," now in St. Petersburg; "Najade," sold in London; "The Virgin Mother," purchased by Cavaliere Alinari of Florence; portrait of the Minister Merlo, which was ordered by the Ministry of Public Instruction. Many other less important works are in various Italian and foreign cities.

I had read of such things in romance; but to find the verity here, before my eyes Steps came down the cloister, and with a simultaneous thought we sprang to the door and closed it behind us. The room was sacred; that awful sight was not for curious eyes. The gardener was coming to ask some trivial question of Valguanera. The Cavaliere cut him short.

"Let Fra Pacifico mind his own business," was the marchesa's answer. "Nobili saved Enrica's life last night; that cannot be denied." "Yes last night, last night; and I am to be forced and fettered because I set myself on fire! I wish I had perished, and Enrica too!" A gesture of horror from the cavaliere recalled the marchesa to a sense of what she had uttered.

Yes, the Cavaliere had given orders that the carriage should be ready before daybreak; but who was authorised to wake the cavaliere? After keeping the carriage two hours at the door Cantapresto had ventured to send it back to the stable; but the horses should instantly be put to, and within an hour they would be well forward on their journey. Meanwhile, should the barber be summoned at once?

"Nor do I like to turn him adrift," cried the Countess instantly, "after he has obliged us by attending my son on his journey." "And I understand," added the Count, "that he would be glad to serve the cavaliere in any capacity you might designate." "Why not in all?" said the cicisbeo thoughtfully.

"I see, my dear cavaliere, that it were idle to invite you to try one of the new Arabs I have brought with me from Spain, since it is plain other duties engage you; but I come to lay claim to your evening." Odo hesitated. "The Queen holds a circle this evening," he said. "And her lady-in-waiting is in attendance?" returned Alfieri. "And the lady-in-waiting's gentleman-in-waiting also?"

Without home or family, nationality or worldly interest, the priest is a living machine, to be used in whatever direction his tyrant dictates. Every priest, therefore, be he cardinal or deacon, moves and acts the slave of an abstract idea; an idea incompatible with patriotism, humanity, or freedom." An audible and deep groan escaped from the suffering cavaliere as the count's voice ceased.