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"My good woman, allow me to ask if you have been at Mr. Goodwin's." Pugshy, who knew her well, stood for a moment, and closing the eye with which she did not squint, kept the game one fixed upon her very steadily for half a minute, and as she wore the caubeen rather rakishly on one side of her head, her whole figure and expression were something between the frightful and the ludicrous.

"Take off your caubeen, you young scoundrel, and kneel down for his reverence to bless you," said one of the masters, giving his hat a blow at the same moment that sent it flying to the other end of the room, and with it, about twenty ripe pears that Mac had just stolen in the orchard, and had in his hat. I wish you only saw the bishop; and Mac himself, he was a picture.

Ruane went home also, breaking the locks, forcing the doors, reinstating himself and his furniture, planting his Lares and Penates in their old situations, hanging up his caubeen on the ancestral nail, and crossing his patriotic shin-bones on the familiar hearth.

Denis was absolutely in ecstasies and evinced such instances of personal bravery over his brandy and water, that no one could have imagined, that, in the space of a couple of hours or so, he should be found in a hay-loft, shorn of his fierce moustachois, and endeavoring to imitate the Irish brogue, in the slouched caubeen and coarse, gray habiliments of some poor, plundered Son of the Sod.

I have said that the Scotch have a national costume; but if semi-nakedness be a charm in them, what shall be said of us, who go thewhole hog?” The details of their ancient dress their tartan, their kilt, their philabeg, that offered so much interest to the royal suite how shall they vie with the million-coloured patches of an Irishman’s garment? or what bonnet that ever flaunted in the breeze is fit to compare with the easy jauntiness of Paddy’s caubeen, through which, in lieu of a feather, a lock of his hair is floating?

The man, besides, was benevolent, and knew the way to the Irish heart; a knowledge which he felt happy in turning to the benefit of the lad in question. * Such collections were generally made in hats the usual name for an Irish peasant's hat being caubeen.

"Well, my good fellow, so you understand gardening?" "A little, your haner," replied the other, respectfully touching his hat, or caubeen rather. "Are you a native of this neighborhood?" "No, your haner. I'm fwaither up from Westport, your haner." "Who were you engaged with last?" "I wasn't engaged, shir it was only job-work I was able to do the health wasn't gud wid me."

Whin th' King iv Siam wants a plisint evenin', who does he sind f'r but a lively Kerry man that can sing a song or play a good hand at spile-five? Whin th' Sultan iv Boolgahria takes tea, 'tis tin to wan th' man across fr'm him is more to home in a caubeen thin in a turban.

Nay, there is often a rueful blank expression in his visage, which might lead a stranger to anticipate nothing but blunders and dulness. This, however, is hypocrisy of the first water. Just observe the tact with which he places his caubeen upon the table, his kippeen across it, and the experienced air with which he pulls up the waistbands of his breeches, absolutely girding his loins for battle.

An' there they finds um head-first shtuck in th' bog just th' tu feet av um shtickin' out an' which boots Tim sez he can swear tu. 'Begorrah! sez me father, 'that accounts for th' tchune shtoppin' so suddint! Let us luk for th' jug? Well, they hunts around for th' jug awhile, but all they finds is his ould caubeen.