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There the vista ended. For at Paraiso the canal turns to the left for its plunge through Culebra hill, and all that follows, Empire, Cascadas, and far Gatun, was visible only in the imagination. If only the film of time might roll back and there pass again before our eyes all that has come to pass within sight of Ancon hilltop.

I walked a half-mile and caught a loaded dirt-train to Cascadas. The matter there to be investigated required ten minutes. That over, I "got in touch" at the nearest telephone, and the Corporal's voice called for my immediate presence at headquarters.

I scribbled myself a ticket and was soon rolling northward, greeting acquaintances at every station. The Zone is like Egypt; whoever moves must travel by the same route. At Pedro Miguel and Cascadas armies of locomotives the "mules" of the man from Arkansas stood steaming and panting in the twilight after their day's labor and the wild race homeward under hungry engineers.

There chanced to be passing through Cascadas at that moment a Panama-bound freight, the caboose of which caught me up on the fly; and forty minutes later I was racing up the long stairs. There I learned among other things that a man I was anxious to have a word with was coming in on the noon train, but would be unavailable after arrival.

BRUNO. Más cruel me parece a que hubiera sido si se hubiera empeñado en lo contrario. DON EDUARDO. Luego hallaré en dicha isla todo cuanto puedo apetecer en mi posición actual; cascadas que se despeñan, ríos que salen de madre, precipicios, huracanes.... No iré yo a la tal isla.

"It's all right!" he said. "Yes, everything is going to be all right!" "How?" asked Prather wistfully, feeling the infection of the confident ring of Jack's tone. "There is one horse left," said Jack. "He is in better condition than Leddy imagines. When darkness comes you can get away with him and by morning he will have brought you to water at Las Cascadas, halfway on the range trail.

Not a drop of water was to be had on the way across the trackless plateau, but halfway on the range trail was a camping-place, Las Cascadas, where a spring which spouted in a tiny cascade welcomed the traveller. Under irrigation, most of the land for the whole stretch between the two towns would be fertile.

There was little chance that Jack could hold out against such odds as he must face, even if he had escaped an ambush. So they rode in desperation and in silence, each too certain of what was in the minds of the others to make pretence of a hope that was not in the heart. Their only stop for rest was at Las Cascadas in the hot hours of midday.

Cascadas and Bas Obispo rolled away behind us, across the canal I caught a glimpse of the wilderness surrounding the abode of "Old Fritz," then we entered a to me unknown land. I could easily have fancied myself a tourist, especially so at Matachin when "Mac" solemnly attempted to "spring" on me the old tourist hoax of suicided Chinamen as the derivation of the town's name.