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On the way back to the ship, one woman was brained to death by a sailor, Gorelin; seeing which, the others on board the jolly-boat took advantage of the confusion, sprang overboard, and suicided. But there were still a dozen hostages on the ship. These might relate the crime of their companions' murder.

What's the excitement?" "Suicide!" the young man replied, hastily. "That woman who was mixed up in the Mainwaring case has suicided by poison." The attorney and the detective exchanged startled glances, then both entered the hotel.

We embarked amid shouts, and did not check our lift till they had dwindled into whispers. Then De Forest flung himself on the chart-room divan and mopped his forehead. 'I don't mind men, he panted, 'but women are the devil! 'Still the devil, said Pirolo cheerfully. 'That one would have suicided. 'I know it. That was why I signalled for the flying loop to be clapped on her.

Why did I smash it all up? Uncle Victor suicided. "If that's what comes of your publishing I'd rather your books were sunk to the bottom of the sea. I'd rather see you in your coffin." "I am in my coffin." "I wish I were in mine," her mother said. Mamma was getting up from her chair, raising herself slowly by her arms. Mary stooped to pick up the pocket-handkerchief. "Don't, Mamma; I've got it."

Only we never, to the best of my memory, suicided ourselves, though it might happen occasionally, that some innkeeper lost the money which ought to have gone to him, because "the bank" had got hold of it first. Then secondly there was the "Villa," about a mile higher up the lovely little valley of the Lima, so called because the Duke's villa was situated there.

She was Sarah Pyatt and she married Fred Proctor. He was one of your wicked, fascinating men. After she married him he give up being fascinating but he kept on being wicked. That's the men for you. Her sister Flora weren't much luckier. Her man was that domineering she couldn't call her soul her own. Finally he couldn't get his own way over something and he just suicided by jumping into the well.

Cascadas and Bas Obispo rolled away behind us, across the canal I caught a glimpse of the wilderness surrounding the abode of "Old Fritz," then we entered a to me unknown land. I could easily have fancied myself a tourist, especially so at Matachin when "Mac" solemnly attempted to "spring" on me the old tourist hoax of suicided Chinamen as the derivation of the town's name.

Unless I am misinformed, one of the men who did the translating at that time is one of the Orientals who has since "suicided," and the reason for that suicide you might as well try to fathom as to follow the windings of a ferret in the dark. Certain royal clans of Japan will suicide on order from their government for the good of their country.

"D'ye mind the time 'Skagway' Bennet died? We was pardners up Norton Sound way when he was killed. They thought he suicided, but I know. I found a cariboo belt in the brush near camp the kind they make on the Kuskokwim, Father Orion's country. His men took the wrong one, that's all.

Lite waited a second, pulled her head over against his shoulder, and picked up the telegram and read it through slowly, though he could have repeated it word for word with his eyes shut. L Avery, En Route Train 23, S. L. & D. R. R. Carl Douglas suicided yesterday, leaving letter confessing murder of Croft. Had just completed transfer of land and cattle to your name.