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When it was ended they took a brisker pace in silence; then, after a while, Hilarius said timidly: "Did'st thou sing of thyself, good Martin?" "Ay, lad, and of my mistress." He stopped suddenly, louted low to the sky, and with comprehensive gesture took in the countryside. "A fair mistress, lad, and a faithful one, though of many moods.

Huxter, when they awoke, would remember anything about the dispute. CHAPTYER XLVIII. A Visit of Politeness Costigan never roused Pen from his slumbers; there was no hostile message from Mr. Huxter to disturb him; and when Pen woke, it was with a brisker and more lively feeling than ordinarily attends that moment in the day of the tired and blase London man.

When he at last became a free man again, he said he believed he would hunt up a brisker seat of learning; the Heidelberg lectures might be good, but the opportunities of attending them were too rare, the educational process too slow; he said he had come to Europe with the idea that the acquirement of an education was only a matter of time, but if he had averaged the Heidelberg system correctly, it was rather a matter of eternity.

Thrand said, that Onund was a brisker man yet than many who were hale of both legs, and so by Thrand's help was this bargain struck; Ufeigh was to give his daughter but chattels for dowry, because those lands that were in Norway neither would lay down any money for. A little after Thrand wooed the daughter of Thormod Shaft, and both were to sit in troth for three winters.

Inferior articles they were at first, and the crowd were not much disposed to bid, but all were dear to the old man, who groaned each time an article was knocked off, and so passed effectually from his possession. The crowd grew weary at last they must have brisker sport than that, if they would keep warm in that chilly November wind, and cries for the "horses" were heard. "Your crack ones, too.

They were passing by the open door of a room which had long been used as a place of arms at Harby, and its walls were hung with weapons of the time and weapons of an earlier generation. Halfman had passed much time there with the brisker fellows of the garrison, breaking them in to feats of weapon-play, and he smiled at the memory and the magnitude of his own dexterity.

As he passed through Piccadilly, he heard behind a voice that had lately become familiar to him, and turning round, saw Baron Levy walking side by side, though not arm-in-arm, with a gentleman almost as smart as himself, but with a jauntier step and a brisker air, a step that, like Diomed's, as described by Shakspeare, "Rises on the toe; that spirit of his In aspiration lifts him from the earth."

I can affirm that her legs are strong, for she walks to Bellingham twice a week to take her Scarlet bath, when, having confessed and been made clean by the Romish unction, she walks back the brisker, of which my Protestant muscular systems is yet aware. It was on the road to Bellingham I engaged her. She is well in the matter of hair. Madam Godiva might challenge her, it would be a fair match.

The air around her was wonderfully keen and exhilarating; the skies overhead were intensely blue; out there on the downs the soft, white snow would be beautiful. Nan walked on at a brisker pace, and her spirits rose. The sunlight seemed to get into her veins.

There is la petite peeping from behind the door. Now, John, the sun is over the trees; you must be brisker than this when the bugleman blows 'Bows and Bills." "I have been waiting this time back," said Hordle John gruffly. "Then we must be off. Adieu, ma vie! The two livres shall settle the score and buy some ribbons against the next kermesse.