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"It will put the purser's whiskers in curl if he gives them a turn round with a marline-spike. Don't you smell the earthy flavour of the sands of Africa?" "In truth I think I do," said Jenkins, the second lieutenant, one of a group who were collected on the weather side of the quarter-deck. "I can distinguish the lions' and boa-constrictors' breath in it, too, if I'm not mistaken.

"Have you pray'd to-night, Desdemona?" Gerfaut gazed at him with frowning brows, but made no reply. "I will wager that it is the last scene in our third act," replied the artist, placing his candlestick upon the mantel; "it seems that it is to be very tragic. Now listen! I also feel the poetical afflatus coming over me, and, if you like, we will set about devouring paper like two boa-constrictors.

Dumont d'Urville Rear-Admiral Laplace: Desertion of Sailors from his Ship I recover them for him Origin of the Inhabitants of the Philippine Islands Their General Disposition Hospitality and Respect for Old Age Tagal Marriage Ceremony Indian Legal Eloquence Explanation of the Matrimonial Speeches The Caymans, or Alligators Instances of their Ferocity Imprudence and Death of my Shepherd Method of entrapping the Monster which had devoured him We Attack and eventually Capture it Its Dimensions We Dissect and Examine the Contents of its Stomach Boa-Constrictors Their large size Attack of a Boa-Constrictor on a Wild Boar We Kill and Skin it Unsuccessful Attempt to capture a Boa-Constrictor alive A Man Devoured Dangerous Venomous Reptiles.

It is this lack of measure and reasonableness among them which accounts for what I believe to be a fact, namely, that there are more reclaimed drunkards among Arabs than among ourselves. They will break off the alcohol habit violently, and for ever. Allah wills it! That is why they patiently bear the extremes of hunger, and why, if fortune smiles, they gorge like Eskimos, like boa-constrictors.

The variety of objects which this new course of life each day presented, brought me at length to a state of sanity; at least, I was no longer disposed to conjure up remote dangers to my door, or chew the cud on my indigested past reading; though sometimes, I confess, when I have been tempted to meddle with a very bad character, I have invariably been threatened with a relapse; which leads me to think the existence of some secret affinity between rogues and boa-constrictors is not unlikely.

"Well, dear, there are jaguars. I suppose a jaguar is the biggest." "Then it must be thirty-six feet long." "Oh, no, boy; about eight or nine feet with his tail." "But there are boa-constrictors in South America thirty-six feet long." "That's different." "Do you fink," asked Dimples, with his big, solemn, grey eyes wide open, "there was ever a boa-'strictor forty-five feet long?"

I smiled appreciatively. "They talk about monopoly, those Populist senators, but I ask you what is a man in my place to do? If you don't eat, somebody eats you is it not so? Like the boa-constrictors that is modern business. Look at the Keystone Plate people, over there at Morris.

It was during the days, I think, of my "probation," and into his anxious heart had come the thought, Was I "running well"? But he dismissed the doubt and promised to walk over in the morning. His interest amazed me. But, then, preachers quite commonly are different on Monday. As we went from cage to cage, he said he had read how boa-constrictors eat, and wouldn't I show him how these snakes eat?

"But," said Tom, to Bob's very great delight, for he could see his companion's alarm, "how about the boa-constrictors?" "Pythons, your people call them," said Ali. "Yes, there are plenty of them in the wet places." "Dangerous?" "No," said Ali, "I never knew them to be only to the little pigs." "But ain't they very large?" "Oh, yes," was the reply, "big as my leg, and so long."

Birmingham anglers who win prizes with takes of four-and-a-half ounces would have recoiled in affright from the monster, even as he lay dead in the entrance hall of the Greville Arms. Old women stand at the street corners with silver eels like boa-constrictors, for which they wish to smite the Saxon to the tune of sixpence each.