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As for the huge transactions Mr. Blithers had made in London, Paris and Berlin, there could be but one conclusion: he had the right to invest his money as he pleased. That was his look-out. The bonds of Graustark were open to purchase in any market. Any investor in the world was entitled to buy all that he could obtain if he felt inclined to put his money to that use.

My office boys could have seen farther than your honourable ministers." To his utter amazement, Robin turned a pair of beaming, excited eyes upon him. "Do you really mean that, Mr. Blithers?" he cried eagerly. "I certainly do!" "By jove, I I can't tell you how happy I am to hear you say it. You see it is exactly what John Tullis said from the first. He was bitterly opposed to the loan.

"We may be able to get to the banks through Blithers," said King. "How could he possibly be of assistance to us?" the Count inquired. "He happens to be a director in both concerns, besides being such a power in the financial world that his word is almost law when it comes to the big deals." All the way down to the city Count Quinnox was thoughtful, even pre- occupied.

I told her she oughtn't to put it off be neighbourly, don't you know. That's me. I'm for being neighbourly with my neighbours. But women, they well, you know how it is, Mrs. King. Always something turning up to keep 'em from doing the things they want to do most. And Mrs. Blithers has so many sociable obli I beg pardon?" "I was just wondering if you would stay and have dinner with us, Mr.

Blithers' idea of success. He was very sorry about the special train. If it hadn't been for that train he might now be preparing to ride castlewards behind a royal band instead of sitting with his wife in the front row of seats on a hotel porch, just like a regular guest, waiting for the parade to come along. It certainly was a wasted opportunity.

Blithers, accompanied by a guide who created history for them with commendable glibness and some veracity, and pointed out the homes of great personages as well as the churches, monuments and museums. He also told them in a confidential undertone that the Prince was expected to marry a beautiful American girl and that the people were enchanted with the prospect!

Blithers sold her place to Cap'n Spooner; the youngest Waters girl run away with a music teacher; the court-house burned up last March; your uncle Wiley was elected constable; Matilda Hoskins died from runnin' a needle in her hand, and Tom Beedle is courtin' Sallie Lathrop they say he don't miss a night but what he's settin' on their porch."

There was food for reflection in the tranquil capitulation of the defenders. Were they acting under fresh instructions from Edelweiss? Had the Prime Minister directed them to put no further obstacle in front of the great Blithers invasion? Or and he scowled darkly at the thought was there a plan afoot to overcome the dangerous Miss Guile by means more sinister than subtle?

Moreover, there seemed to be considerable uneasiness noticeable in the manner of the two foreigners. They appeared to be unnecessarily impatient for the train to arrive, looking at their watches now and again, and frequently sending sharp glances down the village street in the direction of Red Roof. Blithers afterwards remarked that they made him think of a couple of absconding cashiers.

"Well, be good enough to call him up again and say to him that I'll I'll see him damned before I'll come to his office to-morrow at eight-thirty or at any other hour." And with that the Count got up and stalked out of the office, putting on his hat as he did so. "Count," said King, as they descended in the elevator, "I've got an idea in my head that Blithers will be at the Ritz at four."