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The pride, joy and hope of the Blithers family flatly refused to be a party of any such arrangement, and set out for a horse-back ride in a direction that took her as far away from Red Roof as possible. "What's come over the girl?" demanded Mr. Blithers, completely non- plused. "She's never acted like this before, Lou."

Instead of following the suggestion of Miss Blithers that "sufficient pain and annoyance already had been caused," the journalists proceeded to increase the agony by venturing the hope that fresh developments would materialise before the day was done.

The ship's daily newspaper was just off the press and many of the loungers were reading the brief telegraphic news from the capitals of the world. During her stroll she passed several groups of men and women who were lightly, even scornfully employed in discussing an article of news which had to do with Mr. Blithers and the Prince of Graustark.

Blithers was the man to see; he and he alone could bring pressure to bear on the directorates that might result in a reconsideration of the surprising verdict.

After a moment's pause, he went on: "We are naturally interested in your extensive purchases of our outstanding bonds, Mr. Blithers. I refer to the big blocks you have acquired in London, Paris and Berlin." "Want to know what I bought them for?" inquired Mr. Blithers amiably. "We have wondered not a little at your readiness to invest such a fortune in our securities." "Well, there you have it.

"But " began the lieutenant, and then stopped short. "Let me finish it for you. You don't feel as though you could be loyal to Miss Blithers, is that it?" "I think that would depend on Miss Blithers," said Dank, and then begged to be excused. He went out of the room rather hurriedly. "Well, Hobbs," said Robin, after his astonishment had abated, "what do you think of it?"

"You shall not marry into the Blithers family, my lad, if we can help it," said the Count, pulling at his moustaches. "I should say not!" said Dank, feeling for his. "I should as soon marry a daughter of Hobbs," said R. Schmidt, getting up from his chair with restored sprightliness. "If he had one, I mean."

Blithers invited his secondary London lawyer, his French lawyer and two attractive young women who it appears were related to the latter, although at quite a distance, and then concluded that it was best to speak to his own wife about the little affair. She said she couldn't even think of going.

And he also thought it was not worth while resenting the fact that his wife and daughter took something over an hour to prepare for the little spin. In the meantime, Prince Robin was racing over the mountain roads in a high-power car, attended by a merry company of conspirators whose sole object was to keep him out of the clutches of that far-reaching octopus, William W. Blithers.

Blithers caught his breath and from that instant until he found himself crossing the great hall in the wake of an attendant delegated to conduct him to the council chamber his sensations are not to be described. It is only necessary to say that he was in a reverential condition, and that is saying a great deal for Mr. Blithers. A certain bombastic confidence in himself gave way to mellow timidity.