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"I am afraid poor Robin is in jeopardy," said his wife, ruefully. "The Bogieman is after him." "Does the incomprehensible creature imagine " began the Count loudly, and then found it necessary to pull his collar away from his throat as if to save himself from immediate strangulation. "Mr. Blithers is not blessed with an imagination, Count," said she. "He doesn't imagine anything."

Blithers was annoyed because he did not wear his crown, but was somewhat mollified by the information that he had neglected to bring it along with him in his travels. He was also considerably put out by the discovery that the Prince had left his white and gold uniform at home and had to appear in an ordinary dress-suit, which, to be sure, fitted him perfectly but did not achieve distinction.

"If he should presume to insult our Prince by " grated the old soldier, very red in the face and erect "if he should presume to " Words failed him and an instant later he was laughing, but somewhat uncertainly, with his amused host and hostess. Mr. Blithers reached home in high spirits. His wife was asleep, but he awoke her without ceremony. "I say, Lou, wake up. Got some news for you.

Blithers, purple in the face, and then leaned suddenly against the counter, incapable of finishing the sentence. The manager rubbed his hands and smiled. "This is one of our gala days, Mr. Blithers. You could not have arrived at a time more opportune. I have taken the precaution to reserve chairs for you on the verandah.

"But you wouldn't dare to marry Maud Applegate Blithers, sir. You would be driven out of Graustark and " "I think that would depend a good deal on Miss Guile, too, old chap," said Robin coolly. Dank swallowed very hard. "I want to be loyal to you, your highness," he said as if he did not think it would be possible to remain so. "I shall count on you, Dank," said Robin earnestly.

Blithers from the tonneau, as if the walker had come near to running him down instead of the other way around. "Whoa! Stop 'er, Jackson!" he called to the driver. He had recognised the pedestrian. The car came to a stop with grinding brakes, and at the same time the pedestrian halted a hundred yards away. "Back up," commanded Mr.

And so, by the time that Mr. Blithers arrived in Edelweiss, the people were in a less antagonistic frame of mind, though sullenly suspicious, and were even prepared to grin in their sleeves, for, after all, it was quite clear that the joke was not on them but on Mr. Blithers. When the special train pulled into the station Mr. Blithers turned to his wife and said: "Cheer up, Lou.

"I've heard so much about her lately. She is the daughter of William Blithers, the great capitalist." "Oh, I know who he is," she exclaimed. "Perfect roodles of money, hasn't he?" "Roodles?" "Loads, if it means more to you. I forgot that you are a foreigner. He gave that wonderful ball last week for the Prince of of Oh, some insignificant little place over in Europe.

They appear to be able to see a joke under the most distressing circumstances. I'll stake my head that she is Miss Blithers." "I can't imagine anything more terrible," groaned Robin, lying down flat again and staring at the ceiling. "I shouldn't call her terrible," protested Dank, rather stiffly. "I refer to the situation, Dank, the mess, in other words. It is a mess, isn't it?"

"We shall go down to-morrow," he said, and even Mr. Blithers subsided. He looked to his wife in desperation. She failed him for the first time in her life. Her eyes were absolutely messageless. "I'll go down with you," he said, and then gave his wife a look of defiance. The next morning brought Maud's letter to her mother. It said: "Dearest Mother: I enclose the cutting from Town Truth.