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Updated: August 2, 2024

As a boy he was a great walker and climber, and it is said that he was excessively fond of birding, the only form of sport afforded by that part of Italy, and practised there in those times, as it is now, not only with guns, but by means of nets. It has often been said that poets and lovers of freedom come more frequently from the mountains and the seashore than from a flat inland region.

Zooks! a hawk above a poultry yard could n't have caused a greater commotion than did my poor little ship and my few poor birding pieces! Does every strange sail so put you through your paces?" The Governor's color mounted. "We are not at home," he answered stiffly.

He hunts sometimes, and fishes and goes a birding, and he has a pretty fancy for the making of salmon-flies, in the which pursuit, I conclude, there is much ingenuity, and no manner of harm, fish being given to us for food, and the devising how best to snare the creatures entirely Lawful. Lilias Dangerous has been wedded to Edward Marriner these two years.

But if Capitola's by no means sweet temper had been tried that morning, it was destined to be still more severely tested before the day was over. Her second provocation came in this way: John Stone, another deserter of the birding party had that day betaken himself to Tip-top upon some private business of his own.

So Ibn Mansur began: "Know then, O Commander of the Faithful, that I receive a yearly allowance from Mohammed bin Sulayman al-Hashimi, Sultan of Bassorah; so I went to him once upon a time, as usual, and found him ready to ride out hunting and birding.

Had salt been less scarce in the valley than it was, this was the very place to have gone birding with it. I remember that once, on an uninhabited island of the Gallipagos, a bird alighted on my outstretched arm, while its mate chirped from an adjoining tree.

Ring all your companie in. Un. Thou would'st make me a Captaine of a Morris dance. What serve the phifes and Drumms for, prethee? Tho. But does your worship thinke you shall endure the bouncing of the Gunns? I observed you ever kept a way of at the Musters. Un. Thou shalt therefore every morne goe a birding about the house to inure me to the report.

But you, O well-match'd Woman, have no need to fear this sort of president in your husband, because he is a perfect hater of excessive drinking, and an enemy to such company that alwaies frequent Taverns and Ale-houses; and if he doth go once among good acquaintance, and take a glass more then ordinary, which is but seldom, there's nothing that he doth less then maunder and mumble; but he's all for kissing, hugging and dallying; hating pot-company to the highest, or those that make it their business, or spend their times in the Summer with going a Fishing, and in the Winter go a Birding; upon which sort of Gentlemen this old rime was made: Who in the Winter Bird, and Summers go a Fishing, Have no bad meat in Tub, that is not worth the dishing.

One day as the King was sitting quietly in his palace, behold, the high falcaner of the household suddenly addressed him, "O King of the age, this is indeed a day fit for birding." They narrowed the nets about the gazelle when she drew near the King's station; and, planting herself on her hind quarter, crossed her forehand over her breast, as if about to kiss the earth before the King.

One day Cap had had what she called "a row with the governor," that is to say, a slight misunderstanding with Major Warfield; a very uncommon occurrence, as the reader knows, in which that temperate old gentleman had so freely bestowed upon his niece the names of "beggar, foundling, brat, vagabond and vagrant," that Capitola, in just indignation, refused to join the birding party, and taking her game bag, powder flask, shot-horn and fowling piece, and calling her favorite pointer, walked off, as she termed it, "to shoot herself."

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