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Twenty-four hogs and the driver, and two Sheeny drummers bound to the mines with brass jew'lry, all gone to hell, for they didn't near git to Astoria. They sank in the sight of all, as we run along the bank. I seen their arms wave, and them hogs rolling over like 'taters bilin' round in the kettle."

I was big 'nuff to he'p mammy, and it was in dat kitchen I begin ter l'arn ter be a house sarbent. "Well, chillen, I kep' my two eyes open, an' I sabed de sauce from burnin', an' de roun' 'taters from bilin' over, an' de onions from sco'chin' an' de sweet-er-taters f'om bein' charcoal on one side an' baked raw on de odder. Glo-ree! dat was one 'citin' day in dat kitchen.

"If there'd been a woman around, they'd laid it on to her. Oh! I know 'em all the hull kit an' bilin' of 'em." Janice tried to smile at this; but the woman's beadlike eyes seemed to be boring with their glance right through the girl and this made her extremely uncomfortable. "I expect you feel pretty bad, Janice Day," went on Mrs. Scattergood. "But it's allus the way.

"Don't throw nothin' till you pour off the bilin'," said Uncle Abimelech uneasily. "It ain't right." Andrew McCulloch puffed, "Whew! whew! whew!" as if blowing off the steam of his boiling. Then he said: "Give me some of that, hot!" And we all fell silent again. The kettle sang, the chimney coughed in its throat.

She did look very white and faint, and Jennie saw it, and tried to be calm, though she kept whispering to herself as she gathered up the debris on the floor, and with a most rueful expression took it down stairs, saying to her mistress: "An' faith it's a bad beginnin' I've made, mum, but sure an' I'll pay you every farthing with me first wages, and now, if you plase, I'll do up my fut, for it's blistered, that it is, with the bilin' tay."

Fitzpatrick's pork pies, she knew from experience, were such as might indeed have tempted so respectable a patriarch as Moses himself to mortal sin. The "bilin' of pitaties," which Anka knew would be prepared in no ordinary pot, but in Mrs.

These masses were the same as the porphyrschiefer of the mountain of Bilin in Bohemia; we recognised in them small long crystals of vitreous feldspar.

He said it didn't look reasonable to him that bilin' hot water would flow out of the cold ground, and he knowed they had told stories about it. "Why," sez he, "if it wuz hot when it started it would git cooled off goin' through the cold earth." But I sez: "They say so, Josiah them that have been there." "Well," sez he, "you can hear anything. I don't believe a word on't."

"You'll have to negotiate with the contractors about the rails, sir," said Jeff; "here's Mr. Brierly, I've no doubt would like to buy your rails when the time comes." "O," said the man, "I thought maybe you'd fetch the whole bilin along with you. But if you want rails, I've got em, haint I Eph." "Heaps," said Eph, without taking his eyes off the group at the table. "Well," said Mr.

It is strange and illustrative of the occasional perversity of human reasoning that Mr Hazlit did not perceive that he himself had given the diver cause to judge him, Mr Hazlit, very harshly, and the worst of it was that Maxwell did, in his wrath, extend his opinion of the merchant to the entire class to which he belonged, expressing a deep undertoned hope that the "whole bilin' of 'em" might end their days in a place where he spent many of his own, namely, at the bottom of the sea.