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Well, Jabez said it wuz the sudden change from cold to hot water that had caused the overflow, so we put the biler on the kitchen stove and the caldron kettle in the woodhouse, and het water bilin' hot and filled the empty tank, Josiah groanin' loud as he lugged it up and sayin' when he thought I didn't hear him, "Oh, gracious Heavens! is this two pails a year?"

"Determined to make sure of the punishment of your infamous valet, and wishing at the same time to give proof of my respect for Count Waldstein, not forgetting that, as a last resort, I have the right to invade his jurisdiction, I took an advocate, wrote my complaint and had it translated into German . . . . Having heard of this at Teplitz, and having known that I would not save your name, you came to my chamber to beg me to write whatever I wished but not to name you because it would place you wrong before the War Council and expose you to the loss of your pension . . . . I have torn up my first complaint and have written a second in Latin, which an advocate of Bilin has translated for me and which I have deposited at the office of the judiciary at Dux...."

'Twas hard to make out anythin', for the water was all a white, bilin' churn, and the spray flyin' fit to blind you; but bimeby I co't sight of her comin' swashin' along, now up on top of a big roarer, and then scootin' down into the holler, and then up agin. I crep' out on the rocks, grippin' 'em for all I was wuth, with the boat-hook under my arm.

"You'll take second mate's berth, son," said the long-legged Yankee. "Not that you're fit for it, and I'll have to be on deck jest as much as ever; but I can't put a white man for'ard with that bilin' of off-scourin's I've got for a crew. I can trust Pedro; but there isn't another man of the crew that I'd trust as far as I could sling a barge-load o' bricks!

"Hallo! messmates, wot's ado now? Here's the supper awaitin', and the tea bilin' like blazes!"

The chateau of Krzemusch, with its fine garden, and the Teufelsmauer, a basaltic precipice hard by, are indeed worth the expenditure of an hour or two to visit, while the situation of Bilin, in the valley of Bila, is beautiful.

Was there any such mark on Peter Wilks' breast?" Both of them spoke up and says: "We didn't see no such mark." "Good!" says the old gentleman. "Come, ain't that what you saw?" Both of them spoke up again, and says: "No, we DIDN'T. We never seen any marks at all." Well, everybody WAS in a state of mind now, and they sings out: "The whole BILIN' of 'm 's frauds!

"Thet's whar you'd be lyin'! That yar heat kem out of the bowels of the yearth, kem up like out of a chimbley or a blast, and kep up that yar fire. And when she cools down a month after, and I got to strip her, there was a hole in the yearth, and a spring o' bilin', scaldin' water pourin' out of it ez big as your waist. And right in the middle of it was this yer."

We'll have a clean ship soon of the whole bilin' of 'em." He stood in my way, so that I had perforce to tap his shoulder to come on deck. He came round with a start, and staggered back a few paces to stare at me. It needed no expert eye to tell that the man was still drunk. "Hullo!" said he, stupidly; and then with a light coming into his eyes, "Why, it's Mister Mister?" "Prendick," said I.

But he stood for a minute or two looking down with whimsical respect on the dead form of the carcajou. "Y' ain't nawthin' but a thief an' stinkin' Glutton," he muttered presently, "an' the whole kit an' bilin' of ye's got to be wiped out! But, when it comes to grit, clean through, I takes off my cap to ye!"