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One young man after getting well started on the subject of Sally Carrol's eyes and, how they had allured him ever since she entered the room, went into a violent convulsion when he found she was visiting the Bellamys was Harry's fiancee. He seemed to feel as though he had made some risque and inexcusable blunder, became immediately formal and left her at the first opportunity.

Richard would be generous, thought Harriet idly, Isabelle philosophical and indifferent, but how old Madame Carter would writhe! "It's the Bellamys and their crowd," said Ward, watching the approach of newcomers. "Look at that man with them, that fellow with the hair that's Blondin! That's the man I was telling you about the other night, the man whose name I couldn't remember!"

"Yes, it is charming, as you say. But I only wish to return it to its owners, Tom." "Je vous en prie Bel-ami." Tom repeated the words under his breath, and looked at the crest carefully. "I remember that your grandfather said it belonged to the Bellamys," said his grandmother. "Of course: how could I forget that? I have never looked at it properly since the day I first saw it.

Late at night come the two Bellamys, formerly petty warrant Victuallers of the Navy, to take my advice about a navy debt of theirs for the compassing of which they offer a great deal of money, and the thing most just. Perhaps I may undertake it, and get something by it, which will be a good job. So home late to bed. 11th.

Arthur stopped and spoke to them, and then introduced Mrs. Carr, who, after a little conversation, asked them up to lunch. After this Mildred and Lady Bellamy met a good deal. The two women interested each other. One night, when the Bellamys had been about ten days in Madeira, the conversation took a personal turn.

Harriet turned back to Ida, to see her complacently loosening outer wraps. "I came in the Warrens' car," said she, "they were to run over and say Merry Christmas to the Bellamys, and then pick me up. But if I won't be in the way! perhaps I might stay and see Nina; we've become great chums. I suppose I'd better go to the room I always have?

The picture, on examination, proved to be a large one that he had, some years previously, had painted of Isleworth, with the Bellamys and himself in the foreground.

There was no direct evidence against the young man, but Captain Tom had been the most popular man in the county. Reckless though he was, Duncan Boone had been forced to leave the country by the intensity of the popular feeling against him. Again the feud had slumbered. It was understood that the Yarnells and the Bellamys were ready to drop it.

"The Bellamys are coming in for awhile," she observed, with deliberate irrelevance, "and I hope they'll bring their Swami or whatever he is, with them. He must be a queer creature." "He's not a Swami, he's an artist," Tony said, drawn into a casual conversation much against his will. "Blondin I've met him.

He had been foolish enough to lose money at bridge, at the Bellamys' a week ago, and young Bellamy was carrying his check for three hundred and twelve dollars, drawn upon a bank where Royal was already overdrawn.