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"In fact," the Bishop continued, with a gesture which seemed to brush away her scruples, "I came here partly to speak to you about your novel. 'Fast and Loose, I think you call it?" Mrs. Fetherel blushed assentingly. "And is it out yet?" the Bishop continued. "It came out about a week ago. But you haven't touched your tea, and it must be quite cold. Let me give you another cup..."

Then the Scotchman, Cuthbert Vane and I set off through the woods. The men were heavily armed, and I had recovered my own little revolver and restored it to my belt. Mr. Shaw had seen to this, and had said to me, very quietly: "You know, Virginia, if things don't go our way, it may be necessary for you to use it on yourself." And I nodded assentingly.

It may be creditable to you that your cunning is not the cunning of the serpent; to us it would be more valuable if it were. Continue." "Oh! there are a thousand ways." Carlo controlled himself with a sharp screw of all his muscles. "I simply wish to save the signorina from an annoyance." "Very mildly put," Agostino murmured assentingly.

I don't see any reason why this shouldn't be practicable!" Pao-ch'ai was standing below contemplating the pictures with characters suspended on the walls. Upon hearing these suggestions, she readily nodded her head assentingly and smiled. "Excellent!" she cried. "'Within three years, there will be no more famines and dearths." "What a first-rate plan!" Li Wan chimed in.

"But he makes one hate it." "He proves what I mean," said Sherringham: "that the great comedian's the one who raises it to a science. If we paid ten shillings to listen to Mr. Nash we should think him very fine. But we want to know what it's supposed to be." "It's too odious, the way he talks about us!" Miriam cried assentingly. "About 'us'?" "Us poor actors."

He must have spoken, for she shook her head again; and then, at other words from him, nodded assentingly. Then she listened motionlessly while he poured a rapid stream of visible but inaudible words. He put out his hand, as if to take hers, but she put it behind her; Westover could see it white there against the belt of her dark dress.

It was the parting look of breeder, owner, and factor, and when the average weight was announced, Mr. Stoddard turned to the others. "Look here, Mr. Joel," said he, "are these the cattle I sold you last summer?" "They carry your brand," modestly admitted Joel. "So I notice," assentingly said the old cowman. "And still I can scarcely believe my eyes.

"To-morrow evening, then, at half-past eight, by the turnpike." Beck pulled his forelock assentingly. "There's the sovereign I promised you, my poor fellow; much good may it do you. Perhaps you have some father or mother whose heart it will glad." "I never had no such thing," replied Beck, turning the coin in his hand. "Well, don't spend it in drink." "I never drinks nothing but svipes."

M. Fleury nodded assentingly. Jeanne had been quite taken into Madame De Ber's good graces again. The money had worked wonders with her, only she did not see the need of it being spent upon an education. There was Pierre, who would be about the right age, but would she want Pierre to have that kind of a wife? Rose and Jeanne became very neighborly.

"See! she must be a born actress. They always exaggerate in that style, so that you would really think she had a mighty passion for Brookfield." "Or in it," suggested Freshfield. "Or in it!" she laughed assentingly. Mr. Pole was perceived entering the garden, rubbing his hands a little too obsequiously to some remark of the baronet's, as the critical ladies imagined.