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"Nay," answered Monte Cristo, with the most gentlemanly air, "'tis not for such trifling sums as these that your banking house is to be incommoded. Then, you can let me have some money, can you not?" "Whatever you say, my dear count; I am at your orders." "Why," replied Monte Cristo, "since we mutually understand each other for such I presume is the case?" Danglars bowed assentingly.

Coffin had reached the door of the "keeping-room" as the widow concluded her last remark; but pausing, with his thumb upon the latch, he turned, and, looking over his shoulder, whispered, with an emphatic nod, "Fact is, Miss Janes, there a'n't sich a great many women jest like Miss Coffin." "There a'n't no two ways about that," murmured Miss Janes, assentingly, as the door was thrown open.

She looked at Lawrence Newt with incredulous eagerness. He shook his head assentingly. "Alive?" she gasped rather than asked. "And well," he continued. Mrs. Bennet closed her eyes in a silent prayer. A light so sweet stole over her matronly face that Lawrence Newt did not fear to say, "And near you; come with me!"

Amy wondered how she would be able to look Mr. Cyril in the face when he knew that she had given notice. In the middle of writing, on her knee, Constance looked up at Sophia, and said, as though defending herself against an accusation: "I didn't write to him yesterday, you know, or to- day." "No," Sophia murmured assentingly. Constance rang the bell yet again, and Amy was sent out to the post.

There's that story about 'Lish, over to Whitcom you heard somethin' about that, didn't ye?" "Yes," admitted the widow, "I heard somethin' of it, I s'pose." "Wa'al," said Mrs. Bixbee, "you never heard the hull story, ner anybody else really, but I'm goin' to tell it to ye " "Yes," said Mrs. Cullom assentingly. Mrs.

"But I do not like him, how then could I give him love?" and she glanced out of proud, sincere eyes, while a soft color fluttered in her face. "No, that could not be," assentingly. The demon within him that Louis Marsac called love raged and rose to white heat. If he could even carry her off! But that would be a foolish thing.

I asked my friend if he had been able to save a little, and he replied: "No, sir; I've had to do things." I didn't inquire what things they might have been; they were his own affair, and I took his word for them as assentingly as if he had had the greatness of an ancient house to keep up; especially as there was something in his manner that seemed to convey a prospect of further sacrifice.

He became a guest at her London house, and his report of the domesticity there, and notably of the lord of the house, pleased Lady Dunstane more than her husband's. He saw the kind of man accurately, as far as men are to be seen on the surface; and she could say assentingly, without anxiety: 'Yes, yes, to his remarks upon Mr.

Kenelm inclined his head assentingly and tacitly as they passed through the garden-gate, winding backwards through the lane which skirted the garden pales; when, at the very spot in which the day after their first and only quarrel Lily's face had been seen brightening through the evergreen, that day on which the old woman, quitting her, said, "God bless you!" and on which the vicar, walking with Kenelm, spoke of her fairy charms; well, just in that spot Lily's face appeared again, not this time brightening through the evergreens, unless the palest gleam of the palest moon can be said to brighten.

"Her mother," she explained, "died the other day; so being in deep mourning, she couldn't very well present herself." Dowager lady Chia nodded her head assentingly. "When one is in service," she smilingly remarked, "there should be no question of mourning or no mourning. Is it likely that, if she were still in my pay, she wouldn't at present be here?