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With typical male curiosity he pulled out the bureau drawers to see what disposition his wife had made of them, and was pleased to find a little muslin bag of lavender dispersing a quiet fragrance in each. "Very nice," he remarked. "Very nice indeed! About the only thing missing is an ashtray. If Miss Titania is as modern as some of them, that'll be the first thing she'll call for.

"I need it now," she said shortly. "My mouth tastes like an unemptied ashtray and I'm dry as paper." "Just a single swallow," he said after the briefest hesitation. "This is all we have." Lea sipped at it with her eyes closed in appreciation. Then he sealed the top and returned it to the pack without taking any himself. They were sweating as they started up the first dune.

"Well, did you notice, back near the fireplace, a low table with a fifth of Haig & Haig Pinchbottle, and a couple of glasses, and a siphon, and so on, on it?" "I saw the table. There was an ashtray on it, and a book I think it was Gluckman's United States Martial Pistols and Revolvers but no bottle, or siphon, or glasses." "All right, then; it was the killer."

That was the first time either of them had gotten close to the possibility that the ship mightn't return. Trask laid his cigar in the ashtray it had come from President Pedrosan Pedro's private office and splashed a little more brandy into his glass. "She'll be coming before long. We have enough of our people aboard to make sure nobody else tries to take the ship.

"You'll get over that. I reckon you haven't got anything against his daughter." "Perhaps not," said Harvey; "but that's different." "Oh, is it?" Harvey sat for a moment without reply, then he tossed his half-smoked cigar into the ashtray and rose. "Don't go, West. I shall be up for a long while." "I'm tired," Harvey replied. "I need sleep. Good night." Harvey walked home slowly.

How is it that you have made such cynical and erroneous views of the world?" No sooner had her higher authority spoken then Gabriele heard a skid of a fast moving car suddenly stop and a child scream. The polar bear and the handkerchief with the initials embroidered on it tumbled from the shelf. Gabriele quickly stabbed the marijuana to its ashtray of death and flew out the door.

"Now, suppose you show me these things you found, back at the rear ... Aarvo, you and the boys start taking pictures," he told the corporal, then he followed Rand back through the shop. He tested the temperature of the water in the ice-bowl with his finger. He looked at the ashtray, and bent over and sniffed at each of the two glasses. "I see one of them's been emptied out," he commented.

"We don't need him for that purpose, at least," Dundee assured him. "Downstairs in the living room, on a little table in the southeast corner of the room, you'll find a red glass ashtray which no one but Dexter Sprague used all evening. It was clean and empty when I saw him use it first. I think you'll find on it all the prints you need."

When his glass was empty and his pipe burned out, he left a tip beside the ashtray, paid his check and went out. He had two hours until his meeting with Stephen Gresham; he knew exactly where to spend them. The county seat was a normal twenty minutes' drive from Rosemont, but with the road relatively free from traffic he was able to cut that to fifteen.

He waited till she should have finished, but as he rejoiced at her quick crushing of its light on the ashtray she said, "Don't you want to give me another cigarette?" and hopelessly he saw the screen of pale smoke and her graceful tilted hand again between them. On the surface appeared none of all this fretful drama. They were talking cheerfully of motors, of trips to California, of Chum Frink.