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You'll trade with us from the time you choose, and you'll be roaming space when you can grasp the trick of it. Man, you can't refuse. You're too near to certain smashing of your civilization, and we can help you to avoid it. Think what we're offering." Then Coburn said grimly: "And if we don't like the bargain? What if we refuse?" Dillon carefully put the ash from his cigarette into an ashtray.

I am inclined to think " he was speaking partly to himself "to think that he has got hold of a letter of mine, probably to Alison. Bronson was a friend of her rapscallion of a father." I took Mr. Gilmore's deposition and put it into my traveling-bag with the forged notes. When I saw them again, almost three weeks later, they were unrecognizable, a mass of charred paper on a copper ashtray.

Pratt pulled out his roll of bank-notes, fluttered it in his companion's face, laid it on the table, and set an ashtray on it. "There's a hundred pounds there!" he said, "It's yours to pick up if you'll do a little job for me. Easy job, too! you'll never earn a hundred pounds so easy in your life!" Murgatroyd pricked up his ears.

I don't see them! Can any one direct me to the Orewell sports?" 'Or he'd pass a raffle, lottery, lucky-bag, or golden-barrel business of some sort, "No gamblin' for the Flour. I don't believe in their little shwindles. It ought to be shtopped. Leadin' young people ashtray." 'Or he'd pass an Englishman he didn't like, "Look at Jinneral Roberts! He's a man! He's an Irishman!

The age of the $ 500 hammer and the ashtray you can break on David Letterman is gone. Deadwood programs like mohair subsidies are gone. We've streamlined the Agriculture Department by reducing it by more than 1,200 offices. We've slashed the small-business loan form from an inch thick to a single page. We've thrown away the Government's 10,000-page personnel manual.

Who had uttered it Dundee could not be sure, since his eyes had been on his notebook. But what had really interrupted Penny Crain was a crash. "Pardon! Awfully sorry," Clive Hammond muttered, as he bent to pick up the fragments of a colored pottery ashtray which he and his fiancée, Polly Beale, had been sharing.

Bronson still sat at the table, his elbows propped on it, his cigarette still lighted, burning a hole in the cloth. Partly under the table lay Mrs. Conway face down. The dog stood over her and wagged his tail. McKnight pointed silently to a large copper ashtray, filled with ashes and charred bits of paper. "The notes, probably," he said ruefully. "He got them after all, and burned them before her.

A dark-faced man, with an old scar that ran down one cheek from a little below the eye; he had curly black hair, on his head and on a V of chest exposed by an open shirt. There was an ashtray in front of him, and a thin curl of smoke rose from a cigar in it, and coffee steamed in an ornate but battered silver cup beside it. He was grinning gleefully. "Well!

He was someone who, according to her friends, often came to the bar, and yet he looked lost. The seduction was easy. She asked if he wanted to go with her, and he said that he did. Nothing was simpler and more exempt from life's energy consuming, cat and mouse games. She thought about the butts in her ashtray. She wasn't sure the reason.

From the side, a hovering waiter produced a shallow ashtray of white china and set it near his elbow. "I have no objection," he continued, "to a woman pursuing whatever takes her fancy, provided she's reached majority. The same as any man." He fingered the cigarette case, closing and then opening it again. "A strong and independent mind is an asset in anyone, male or female."