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Ascyltos, proud of the conquest, goes off with the prize, leaving me expos'd in a strange place, that before he caress'd as a friend and sharer of his fortune: 'Tis in the world, as in a game of chess; We serve our friends but where our profit is. When fortune smiles, we're yours, and yours alone; But when she frowns, the servile herd are gone.

Upon entering the inn, we noticed many other wayfarers, who had put up there to escape the storm. The jam prevented our being watched, and at the same time made it easier for us to pry about with curious eyes, on the alert for something to appropriate. Ascyltos, unseen by anyone, picked up off the ground a little pouch in which he found some gold pieces.

Si qua est amantibus fides, ego dubitavi, an utrumque traicerem gladio somnumque morti iungerem. Tutius dein secutus consilium Gitona quidem verberibus excitavi, and looking as sternly as I cou'd upon Ascyltos, thus address'd my self: "Since you've play'd the villain by your treachery, and breaking the common laws of friendship, pack up your matters quickly, and find another comrade to abuse."

The contrivance pleased us; and so Gito leading the way through the portico, we came to the last gate, where a chained dog bolted upon us so furiously, that Ascyltos fell into the fishpond.

And to avoid Ascyltos that haunts ye in these parts, I am taking a voyage to a foreign country, and shou'd be glad of your company: I believe to morrow night I shall go on board the vessel: I am very well known there, and you need not doubt of a civil entertainment."

We also had the mantle with us, and taking the opportunity of a blind corner, fell a shaking the skirt of it, to try if so glittering a shew would bring us a purchaser; nor had we been long there, e're a certain country-man, whom I thought I had seen before, came up to us with a hussye that follow'd him, and began to consider the mantle more narrowly, as on rhe other side did Ascyltos our country chapman's shoulders, which presently startled him, and struck him dumb, nor could my self behold 'em without being concern'd at it, for he seemed to me to be the same fellow that had found the coat in the wood, as in truth he was: But Ascyltos doubting whether he might trust his eyes or not, and that he might not do any thing rashly, first came nearer to him as a buyer, and taking the coat from his shoulders, began to cheapen, and turn it more carefully.

We fixt our selves, as much out of the way as we could, under deck: and it being not yet day, Eumolpus fell a-sleep: I, and Gito, cou'd not take a wink: when reflecting afresh, that I had harbour'd in my acquaintance, a rival more powerful than Ascyltos; I began to be much troubled: but wisely allaying my grief, I thus reason'd with my self: Is it so troublesom to share what we love? when the best of nature's works are in common?

Giton, who was standing by during all this, was as downcast as myself, and the suffering of the lad only served to increase my own vexation, but the thing which bothered me most of all, was the painstaking search which was being made for us; I told Ascyltos of this, but he only laughed it off, as he had so happily extricated himself from the scrape.

After this, I call'd Gito to me; and "tell me," said I, "but sincerely, whether Ascyltos, when he took you from me, pursu'd the injury that night, or was chastly content to lye alone?" The boy with his finger at his eyes, took a solemn oath, that he had no incivility offer'd him by Ascyltos.

Eumolpus was oblig'd to the souldier that robb'd me of my sword, else I had turn'd the fury upon him I meant for Ascyltos: Gito reading it in my countenance, under pretence of fetching water, prudently withdrew: And allay'd my heat, by removing one cause of it: But my rage reviving, "Eumolpus," said I, "I had rather have heard even your verses, that you propose to your self such hopes: I am very passionate, and you are very lustful: Consider how improbable 'tis we shou'd agree; believe therefore I am mad, and humour the phrenzy; that is, be gone immediately."