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Lest any words of his might stop it, he vanished. He must have hurried, too, since Bosko had joined his master before Beliani's messenger reached the anxious conspirators with Alec's answer. There was no need to ask if the Albanian had brought the weapons. They were tucked ostentatiously in his belt. Alec looked him squarely in the eyes. "I think I can depend on you, Bosko," said he.

King he is, and King he will remain if he agrees to my terms." "Go on with your story, mother," said Alec softly. "I think I am beginning to understand now." "What more need I say?" wailed the Princess in a sudden access of grief.

Crowley flung herself in a chair and turned her face away. 'I have something to tell you which is very terrible, Lucy, he said. The effort he made to speak was noticeable. His voice was strained by the force with which he kept it steady. 'Would you like me to leave you? asked Alec, who had accompanied Lucy into the drawing-room. She gave him a glance.

"Me, too," exclaimed the Stallings boy, who was always turning his restless eyes upward, as though seeking some enticing branch where he could exercise his favorite antics. Alec Sands laughed softly. "I'm ready to tell my little story, boys," he remarked. "It isn't such a wonderful one, after all, but Hugh agreed with me that it might give some of us an excuse for coming up this way.

"We'll plan a trip," replied Alec readily, "and submit the scheme to him to-night. If he has no objections, we will telephone Mark and ask him to join us, and perhaps Norton can go along, too." Alec's suggestion was carried out, and Mr. Sands not only approved the plan but added interest to it by producing some excellent road maps and proposing a tour of adventure.

"Oh, I should so like to see the bird," said Fanny. "Can we come and look at him?" "I will bring him in here, young lady," answered old Alec, opening a door which led to an inner room. He quickly returned with a bird on his wrist, and Fanny thought she had never seen one of more beautiful colours. Most of its plumage was of the richest scarlet, while the top of its head was of a deep purple.

"Now they are talking it over again," whispered Alec. "The short one is pointing as if he believes they can find a much easier way to get inside than trying to smash the door down. Hey! Monkey, better get busy or you'll find the pair treading close on your heels." Hardly had Alec spoken that last low word than a thrilling sound came floating to the ears of the four listening scouts.

Alec approached, and the others, including Stampoff himself, thought that he meant to make some private communication to the newcomer before beginning a debate in which all might share. But he walked past Stampoff, locked the door, and put the key in his pocket. "Now," he said, "I am free to explain why we seven are gathered here to-night.

The widowed mother did not reply at once. The aging face was turned in the direction of the son who meant so much to her. Her eyes, so handsome and steady, were wistful. They gazed into the joy-lit face of her boy. She could not deny him. "Sure, Alec, dear. Just ask me what you need if you must go." Jessie gazed from one to the other of the three people her life seemed bound up with.

'Have you been speaking to Daddy about me? 'My dear young lady, I said, 'I'm such an old friend, you see. You must forgive me. And then she said: 'Are they going to ask him to resign? 'That depends on you, I said. Why do I say these things, Charlotte? I ought simply to have held my tongue. Poor young thing; so very young! And the little baby!" "She has brought it on herself, Alec," Mrs.