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In the sunshine of her joy-lit eyes I forgot the miracle of it, forgot everything except that I had reached New York and Nelly, and that the world was beautiful when she looked upon it. We came down from Cathedral Heights; and as we boarded a train on the elevated, eyes peered around newspapers.

The widowed mother did not reply at once. The aging face was turned in the direction of the son who meant so much to her. Her eyes, so handsome and steady, were wistful. They gazed into the joy-lit face of her boy. She could not deny him. "Sure, Alec, dear. Just ask me what you need if you must go." Jessie gazed from one to the other of the three people her life seemed bound up with.

The other work, more pretentious in subject but even more severely simple in treatment, was that of a woman of fashion, seated by a table on which stood a lighted lamp, the glow from which shone full upon her joy-lit face, on the sewing-materials scattered about her, and on the little garment, newly finished, which she was examining.

"God be thanked!" murmured the poor drunkard, as he led his child away. "God be thanked! There is hope for me yet." Hardly had the mother of Lizzie missed her child, ere she entered, leading her father by the hand. "O, mother!" she exclaimed, with a joy-lit countenance, and in a voice of exultation, "Mr. Jenks has promised." "Promised what?"