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Ils sont they are. "Why, it's easy enough," thought Tom, "I could pick it up, and then when I go over to France I shall be able to speak their lingo." "Where have you been lately, Tom?" asked Alec McPhail when he met him some time later. "I have been to all the public-houses where we used to meet and have not set my eyes on you." "Nay," replied Tom, "I have been to the Y.M.C.A."

One had reached him at Suez; but that was mainly occupied with congratulations, and there was a tenderness due to the fear that Alec had hardly yet recovered from his dangerous illness, which made it, though touching to Alec, not so characteristic as the second. My Dear Alec: I am delighted that you will return in the nick of time for the London season.

The giant lay down in a corner, as far as possible away from the honey that had cost him his freedom, and cowered like a whipped dog, with his head between his paws and fear clutching him like an awful force that he was powerless to resist. The following morning when Alec visited his trap, he found to his great joy that it was sprung.

"In fact, nobody around here does. You see, Bruce, I am just plain Alec McKinney, who went to Boston when a young fellow you know that Boston, Bruce, is another name for the whole United States, on this Island and who came back a fizzle and a failure to work his father's farm. But say, Bruce," and Mac turned to me very quickly, "what brought you here, anyhow?

Though she was eager to thank Alec Galbraith, she felt somewhat timid at the thoughts of encountering him and his parents. "I know Alec well enough to be sure that he will make light of the matter," observed Donald. "He will tell you that he ran no danger, and enjoyed the swim. But that must not make us less grateful to him.

It was nearly midnight before the Indian rose to return to his own camp, promising to come back in the morning with some of his people to convey Alec to the river. Soon after daybreak, he appeared with a litter, which he had had constructed, and a supply of food, in case, as he said, his white brother might require it. Alec had been for some time awake.

The deer hunters left the camp about six o'clock in the morning, Alec and the captain going in a north-easterly direction, and Frank and his companion about due west. The understanding was to be back, if possible, not later than midnight. Each Indian, however, took the precaution of strapping on his back a grey blanket in case of delay. The adventures of Alec and the captain we will have.

By her side in a dainty cot reposed another Alec, whose age might not yet be measured by many weeks, but whose size and lustiness proclaimed him in his own special circle, at any rate the most remarkable baby that ever "occurred" in Colorado. Mrs. Talbot, Senior, tired of reading, was now dozing peacefully in an easy chair on the other side of the cot.

"Ye're young yet; when ye feel inclined to give your heart to any young thing that you've a caring for, gie it as on the altar of God, and not for what ye'll get in return, and if ye get in answer what ye're wanting, thank God for a free gift." Then Alec knew that Sissy had been unkind to Bates.

My boy Alec would have taken the same line as you did. Now you needn't laugh at me, Mary. I own up at once; that's my highest praise." "I know it is; and it implies a contrast?" Old Naylor unclasped his hands and spread them in a deprecatory gesture. "It must do that," he acknowledged. Mary gave a rebellious little toss of her head. "I don't care if it does, Mr. Naylor! Mr.