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Updated: August 12, 2024

Then ye don't want yer baggage sent fur? Perhaps ye've come ter see friends, an' it's a little airly ter drop in on 'em? Come in, any way, and take a seat." I accepted the invitation. Sitting indoors might possibly be less dreary than walking out-of-doors. "Now I tell ye what ye ought to do," continued the man. "Ye ought to take a nip of whiskey with some bitters in it.

"What for should they not?" "You can't have a typist prancing about with clients at this time of night." "It's airly yet," said Mr. Mactavish James mildly, continuing to turn over the pages of the Law Journal. "We've not had our dinners yet. Though from the way the smell of victuals is roaring up the back stairs we shouldn't be long." "Father, people were looking at them.

Well, one day Kerrigan was standin' chattin' wid his wife, when the shop-windy all at once wint dark, an' Kerrigan roars out, 'What for are ye puttin' up the shutters so airly? says he. An' faix, 'twas no wondher ye'd think it, for ould Hennessy of Ballybofey had fallen down in the street, an' it was the two good-lookin' feet of him stickin' up that was darkenin' the shop.

'Them as won't come in had better stay to home, sais he. And when he hears that them as are in had better stay in when they be there, he takes the hint and goes back agin. 'Come, boys, let's go to Black Stump Swamp and sarch for honey. We shall be back in time to walk home with the galls from night meetin', by airly candle-light. Let's go.

A Bengola light was displayed for a moment from the foretop, and answered by another from the shore. "All right, cap'n," said the mate, walking aft to where Morris was standing, near the wheel. "The critters have seen us, and that are firework means that there aint no vigilantes round abeout. I spose we shall hev the lighters along side airly in the mornin'." "Yes," said the captain.

"Ye're airly on yere way tae the Kirk." "Yes that is yes," replied Mr. "'Business, did ye say, Mr. Wigglesworth?" Mrs. McNish stood facing him at the door. "Business! On the Lord's Day?" Mr. Wigglesworth gaped at her, hat in hand. "Well, Mrs. McNish." Mr. Wigglesworth's head went over to one side as if in contemplation of a new and striking idea.

"Now, I do jest wonder what them two coons hev on hand?" said the American, when they had thus left him with his curiosity unslackened; "I'm durned if I don't go up myself and see: people must rise pretty airly o' mornin's to take a rise out of this old hoss!" A roll of the ship, however, coming as soon as he had risen from his seat, settled his inquisitiveness.

"What's fetched y' daown here so all-fired airly?" "You're a darned pooty lot daown here, you be!" Abel answered. "Better keep your Portagees t' home nex' time, ketchin' folks 'ith slippernooses raoun' their necks, 'n' kerryin' knives 'n their boots!" "What 'r' you jawin' abaout?" Elbridge said, looking up to see if he was in earnest, and what he meant. "Jawin' abaout?

When the old man Newton heard that the "new school ma'am" was permitting Henrietta to draw "fool picters on her slate," he was sure that it never would work. He believed in breaking a child's will, for his part, "though the one that broke Henriettar's will would hev to git up purty airly in the mornin' now, certain," he added with a grim smile.

"Egad! plain enough, truly. Well, Mr. Duval, you may pass this time; we'll pitch into higher game. What do you say, Dick?" "Say? Why, that this friend of ours will have to git up mighty airly in the mornin', ef he finds us nappin'." "Let me tell you, it is no very pleasant fix, this, that we are in. Duffel fears we will betray him, and is resolved to prevent it by having us killed.

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