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"Nous vous aimons LAFAYETTE." When our blooming cheeks shall fade, Pale with time, or sorrow's shade, When our clustering tresses fair Frosts of wintry age shall wear, E'en till memory's sun be set, "We will love you LAFAYETTE." In comparison with the population of Hartford, a greater portion of his revolutionary companions were here presented to him than in any place he had visited.

Emporte-moi dans un reve amoureux, Bien loin sur la terre inconnue, Pour que longtemps, meme en rouvrant les yeux, Ce reve continue. Croyons, aimons, vivons un jour; C'est si bon, mais si court! Bonheur de vivre ici-bas diminue Dans un moment d'amour. The Hour of Love! How full of burning love and sentiment! She stopped, reflecting on the meaning of those words.

We sat up till two this morning talking of Corinne.... I have been obliged to sing "Deep in Love" so often for my handsome host, and every time it is as for you I sing it. The letter concludes with the words, 'Aimons toujours comme a l'ordinaire. The pair may have loved, but they were continually quarrelling, and their intimacy was finally broken a year or two later.

"Seigneur," came the huge response, "nous vous adorons!" "Seigneur, nous vous aimons!" cried the priest. "Seigneur, nous vous aimons!" answered the people. "Sauvez-nous, Jésus; nous périssons!" "Sauvez-nous, Jésus; nous périssons!" "Jésus, Fils de Marie, ayez pitié de nous!" "Jésus, Fils de Marie, ayez pitié de nous!" Then with a surge rose up the plainsong melody.

Whether he can ever fill the place he once held in his wife's heart is a question which only time can decide: 'Le dénigrement de ceux que nous aimons, says the author of 'Madame Bovary, 'toujours nous en détache quelque peu.

The greater part of the inhabitants of both sexes were personally presented to him; and there was an assemblage of children of about eight hundred, the misses all dressed in white, wearing badges with the motto, "Nous vous aimons LAFAYETTE." A gold medal was presented him by one of the children, which was enclosed in a paper containing these lines. Welcome thou to freedom's clime, Glorious Hero!

It is hard that they should have pitched upon so tender-hearted a verb for the battle-field of so grim a struggle: J'aime, I love. Tu aimes, Thou lovest. Il aime, He loves. Nous aimons, We love. Vous aimez, You love. Ils aiment, They love.

A maid at the hotel at Dunkirk said to me, "Ah! Madame, nous autres nous aimons bien de voir rouler les Anglais." Yes, because they think the English roll in gold. Now we will go to Cambray, famous for its cambric and its archbishop. Buonaparte had so much respect for the memory of Fenelon, that he fixed the seat of the present Archbishopric at Cambray instead of at Lille, as had been proposed.

"Nous aimons les mets plus delicats que vous autres," quoth he; at which we laughed, and pointed to the cabin. We found, upon explanation, however, that Mr.

Chief sublime! Garlands bright for thee are wreath'd, Vows of filial ardour breathed, Veteran's cheeks with tears are wet, "Nous vous aimons LAFAYETTE." Monmouth's field is rich with bloom, Where thy warriors found their tomb. Yorktown's heights resound no more, Victor's shout or cannon's roar. Yet our hearts record their debt, "We do love you LAFAYETTE."