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At the Theatre-Francais, the line of Tartufe "Nous vivons sous un prince ennemi de la fraude" was greeted with a salvo of applause. The former adversaries of the King reproached themselves with having misunderstood him. They sincerely reproached themselves for their past criticisms, and adored that which they had burned. M. de Vaulabelle himself wrote:

"Enfin tout philosophe est banni de céans, Et nous ne vivons plus qu'avec les honnétes gens." The advantage of women in affairs of this sort is, that they are natural opportunists, and care nothing for the tyranny of your system. There is a wise inconsequence in their ideas, for the logic of the universe is not professed from an academic chair.

I'm tired with waiting for this chymic gold, Which fools us young, and beggars us when old." I shall now give you my translation: "De desseins en regrets et d'erreurs en desirs Les mortals insenses promenent leur folie. Dans des malheurs presents, dans l'espoir des plaisirs Nous ne vivons jamais, nous attendons la vie. Demain, demain, dit-on, va combler tous nos voeux.

Emporte-moi dans un reve amoureux, Bien loin sur la terre inconnue, Pour que longtemps, meme en rouvrant les yeux, Ce reve continue. Croyons, aimons, vivons un jour; C'est si bon, mais si court! Bonheur de vivre ici-bas diminue Dans un moment d'amour. The Hour of Love! How full of burning love and sentiment! She stopped, reflecting on the meaning of those words.