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La, miss, they bound old Betty you know Betty a most respectable 'oman, who has known sorrows, and drinks tea with me once a week. And as Mr. But, would you believe, miss, just as I got into the lane, afore you turns through the gate, I chanced to look back, and there, sure enough, was that ugly fellow close behind, a-running like mad.

"They'll break!" And she ran out of the stall and hurried into the yard. She was just in time to hear Farmer Green calling to his son Johnnie. "Look here!" said he. "I started to oil the mowing machine so I could use it to-morrow; and just see what I found in the seat!" Johnnie Green came a-running.

Now, here was Decherd mixed up with two, or perhaps all three of these women at the same time! That took nerve." "I should say it did," said Blount. "It was the same sort of nerve a fellow has to have when he starts on across a trembling bog. He just keeps on a-running." "Well, he had to keep running, sure as you're born. A fine situation, all around, wasn't it?" "Yes," said Blount, tersely.

"It makes you wonder, with all those miles and miles, why I'm buying this particular spot, doesn't it?" "It sure does," Shorty agreed. "And that's the very point," Smoke went on triumphantly. "If it makes you wonder, it will make others wonder. And when they wonder they'll come a-running. By your own wondering you prove it's sound psychology.

One day Farmer Green himself remarked to his son Johnnie, as they leaned over the pen, that that litter of pigs did beat all he had ever seen. "They come a-running at meal time as if they were half starved. It's a wonder they don't get in the trough all over." Johnnie Green liked to watch the pigs. "That black fellow's the greediest of the lot," he declared. "He's getting to be the biggest.

La, miss, they bound old Betty you know Betty a most respectable 'oman, who has known sorrows, and drinks tea with me once a week. And as Mr. But, would you believe, miss, just as I got into the lane, afore you turns through the gate, I chanced to look back, and there, sure enough, was that ugly fellow close behind, a-running like mad.

We rode out of the town through Yowell beyond Nonesuch House a mile, and there our little dogg, as he used to do, fell a-running after a flock of sheep feeding on the common, till he was out of sight, and then endeavoured to come back again, and went to the last gate that he parted with us at, and there the poor thing mistakes our scent, instead of coming forward he hunts us backward, and runs as hard as he could drive back towards Nonesuch, Creed and I after him, and being by many told of his going that way and the haste he made, we rode still and passed him through Yowell, and there we lost any further information of him.

The dark eyes of the girl met his anxious look with a cool, level gaze. Her cheeks were ruddy with rich colour under their deep coat of tan. The corners of her rather large, but shapely mouth quirked in an amused half smile. "Don't tell me you're not a tenderfoot," she rallied, in a softly vibrant, contralto voice. "I heard shots, so came a-running.

And I know, sir, as well as I know anything, that when God Almighty hears and answers her prayer, and brings me safe to land, Polly and little John will be standing on yon rocks a-straining their eyes for the first sight of the boats, and then a-running down almost into the water to welcome me home again. Yes, it makes a sight o' difference to a married man, sir; doesn't it, now?

I went off down to the river, studying over this thing, and pretty soon I noticed that my nigger was following along behind. When we was out of sight of the house he looked back and around a second, and then comes a-running, and says: "Mars Jawge, if you'll come down into de swamp I'll show you a whole stack o' water-moccasins." Thinks I, that's mighty curious; he said that yesterday.