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Henrietta Hen squawked. She made so much noise that some of her neighbors came a-running, to see what was the matter. And as soon as they discovered what had happened they began to laugh. "We may as well tell you," they said to Henrietta Hen, "that that chap out there is a duckling. The water won't hurt him." Henrietta Hen gasped and gaped. She was astonished. But she soon pulled herself together.

I see him rock, he says, `and the dust a-running out of the cracks like rain. So out we come, and glad enough to stop it, too, because there wos a feast down in the meadows by the London Road, and drinks and dancing, and we wanted to be there.

Anyone would have sworn that the butler was a real butler, the footman a real footman only, as it happened, the butler was Whittington! Tommy retired to the inn and waited for Albert's return. At last that worthy made his appearance. "Well?" cried Tommy eagerly. "It's all right. While they was a-running of you out the window opened, and something was chucked out."

From all directions they came a-running, Mary Jane's screams guiding them straight to the big rock. Alice and Ruth reached there first and without a word to each other or a thought of their clothes or shoes, they slid down the bank and waded out into the water. "Don't be frightened, sweetheart," called Alice comfortingly, "we're getting you!"

You'd a laughed to have split yourself, mister, if you could have seen daddy a-crawling out of the companion-way while the water was a-running down stairs like a crick.

"I can't get my tongue to move so fast. You're eloquent. In the first place, you know a great many simple words. Strange that you can't make a speech." "I reserve these words for use when I chew the rag. If it comes to speech-making, they don't come out so smoothly." "Is that so? But they simply come a-running. Repeat that again for me." "As many times as you like.

What would his poor mother have said had she known that the young spendthrift was already beginning to dissipate his patrimony? He dined at the tavern, he supped at the club, where Jack Morris introduced him, with immense eulogiums, to such gentlemen as were in town. Life and youth and pleasure were before him, the wine was set a-running, and the eager lad was greedy to drink.

Truly, the Catawba's wolves might find an easy A chattering scream of agony sent shrill and sharp upon the stillness of the night halted me and broke the gibing comment in the midst. I stood and listened. The cry rang out again; then I loosed the Andrea in its scabbard and fell a-running, though the half-healed wound scanted me sorely of the breath I wanted.

"I dursn't go back to Monkhaven," said Tim; "they'd be sure to cotch me, and they'd give it me for a-climbing out o' window and a-running away. Nor I dursn't go back to Mick. But you've only to say the word, ma'am, and I'm off. I'll hide about, and mayhap somehow I might get a chance among the boat-people.