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The boys went down a steep ladder, after fastening both doors on the inside, and soon found themselves on the cellar bottom. Frank turned on his flashlight and looked about. There was a hole in one of the walls which seemed to lead downward, in the direction of the river. "I'm going to try it," Jack exclaimed, taking out his light. "When I say for you to come on, come a-running."

I made a break for the door and passed out just as Booth came tramping down the stairs. I ran across the yard that separated the carpenter shop from the house. As I did so, Mrs. Booth appeared at the back door. Upon seeing me she held up her hands in horror. "Mercy on us! Roger Strong! Where be you a-running to? 'Zekel! 'Zekel! the prisoner's broke loose!" "I know it, Mandy!"

I want to keep him nearby to remind me of old times. Why back two years ago, I used to visit old Polo Garrett, who had the concession in the menagerie tent, just to get cussed out. Polo's vocabulary was limited to sassing back. 'What's eatin' ya?, 'Git outa here, 'Who's a-running this dump? 'Whar do ya git that stuff? were his mildest phrases.

But I couldn't get no show, Mrs. Phelps kept it up and run on so. Pretty soon she made the cold chills streak all down my back, because she says: "But here we're a-running on this way, and you hain't told me a word about Sis, nor any of them.

Get a fix on us and come a-running. We're at eighteen thousand and" here the floor of the cabin tilted markedly "now we're climbing. Get a fix on us and come a-running. Over!" He took the phone from his lips and said conversationally: "Radar's a giveaway. This is no fly-way. You wouldn't think he'd take that much of a chance, would you?" Joe clenched his hands.

Now, however, the diabolical reason of his slyness was apparent. He had been shrewd enough to disarm suspicion, and by now was far away. Even Mrs. Daly, who was visiting with a neighbour, had seen him stepping out by a back way, and had said with a laugh, 'I reckon that black rascal's a-running off somewhere. Oh, if she had only known. "'To the woods!

The miller cried out: 'Rogues rogues! And thereupon some men came out of the mill after us, which I believe were soldiers; so we fell a-running, both of us up the lane as long as we could run, it being very deep and very dirty, till at last I bade him leap over a hedge, and lie still to hear if anybody followed us which we did, and continued lying down upon the ground about half an hour, when, hearing nobody come, we continued our way."

But this betid, that we found the little dale easily enough, and there stood the cage as we had seen it yesterday, but nought was there within its bright bars save the grass and the flowers, and the water of the brook a-running.

"Onnat'ral 's the word!" went on the Postilion, more as though speaking his thoughts aloud than addressing me, "it's a onnat'ral night to begin with seed a many bad uns in my time, but nothing to ekal this 'ere, that I lost my way aren't to be wondered at; then him, and her a-jumping out o' the chaise and a-running off into the thick o' the storm that's onnat'ral in the second place! and then, his face, and your face that's the most onnat'rallest part of it all likewise, I never see one man in two suits o' clothes afore, nor yet a-standing up, and a-laying down both at the same i-dentical minute onnat'ral's the word and I'm a-going."

But I couldn't get no show, Mrs. Phelps kept it up and run on so. Pretty soon she made the cold chills streak all down my back, because she says: "But here we're a-running on this way, and you hain't told me a word about Sis, nor any of them.