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Now let us see what Capitan Martin wrote to his friend, Luis Chiquito: "DEAR CHOY, Come a-running if you can, for there's something doing at the fiesta. Just imagine, Capitan Joaquin is almost broke. Capitan Tiago has doubled up on him three times and won at the first turn of the cards each time, so that Capitan Manuel, the owner of the house, is growing smaller every minute from sheer joy.

They'd come a-running, Bud, from every joint and dance-hall, enough to run a battleship in no time, yes, sir. Why, Bud, even that squash-head of a piano-player would 'a' come if we'd ast him." "H-m-m you surely think well of people, Baldy." "No more strain than to think bad of 'em. But what'd be the use? Us two an' old Pete, who'll be sleepin' aboard, c'n run her, Bud."

"I was in a big hurry for I had waited so long already that I thought sure Miss Allen would be after me in a minute to see if I was making the tacks; so I grabbed the cord and jerked the bell hard twice, and then twice again, and then twice the third time. I 'xpected she'd come a-running at that, but what do you think, grandma?

"Wail, maybe so," said Golyer with a weary smile "leastways I've been a-running this spade into the ground all the morning, and " "You want buttermilk that's your idee: ain't it, now?" "Well, Mizzes Barringer, I reckon you know my failin's." The good woman trotted off to the dairy, and Susie sewed demurely, waiting with some trepidation for what was to come next.

No matter what the occasion, a christening, wedding or funeral, a logging, a threshing, a home-coming or a parting, the finishing of a new house or the buying of a new harness or fanning-mill, any one of these was ample grounds for one of their "talking bees"; so it was easy to set the wheels a-running. At three o'clock three processions might have been seen wending through the woods.

But do you know, it warn't ten minutes till the camel-driver was unsatisfied again he was the lowdownest reptyle in seven counties and he come a-running again. And this time the thing he wanted was to get the dervish to rub some of the salve on his other eye. "Why?" said the dervish. "Oh, you know," says the driver. "Know what?" "Well, you can't fool me," says the driver.

On the third day, however, the hunters noticed a change in the behaviour of the buffalo. They had suddenly grown wild and wary. Now and then vast gangs passed them, running at full speed, as if terrified and pursued! It was not Carlos and his companion that had so frighted them. What then had set them a-running?

It was just a cold, raw blazer; and if it didn't go through I could see me as an Apache parlour ornament. But it did. Those Chiricahuas give one yell and skipped. It was surely a funny sight, after they got aboard their war ponies, to see them trying to dig out on horses too tired to trot. I didn't stop to get all the laughs, though. In fact, I give one jump off that ledge, and I lit a-running.

"You move along back, Billie," he said. He patted her shoulder and smiled. "I'm a-running this layout and if you don't mind the old sheriff he'll have to picket you." She nodded and pulled Papoose out of the trail till the others filed by, riding with Horne in rear of the rest. The party halted while Harris dismounted to examine the trail.

Here I temporarily left Jem Bottles and Paddy, for I feared their earnestness, which was becoming more terrible every minute. In order to keep them pacified I gave instructions that they should keep a strict watch up the avenue, and if they saw any signs of trouble they were to come a-running and do whatever I told them.