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I ain't one o' the presumin' kind, but if I'd a-been asked I'd a-butted in! You can bet your scalp, Sam, if I'd a-had the givin' away o' that blushin' bride, I'd 'a shoved across a stack o' blue chips with her that'd 'a set them young folks on their feet. Oh, hell's bells! If that ain't plumb removin' the limit! Sam, you'd orter be right thankful you're only an Injun.

The old man sat down in the doorway and bowed his grey head in his arms. Then, after a moment, he whispered: "She's been dead twenty-two years, Jen. The day Val was born she went away. I'd a-been a better man if she'd a-lived, Jen; and a better father." This was an unusual demonstration between these two.

"Then, to your knowledge, there wasn't no row of any sort occurring round here to-night?" went on the policeman. "Not that I heard of." "Well, if there had a-been you'd a-heard of it, wouldn't you?" "Sure I would!" "That's good," said the policeman. He jabbed a gloved thumb toward the two witnesses. "Then, see here, Harris!

Mace Day shot Daws Dillon's brother, as I rickollect somep'n's al'ays a-startin' up that plaguey war an' a-makin' things frolicsome over thar an' ef it hadn't a-been fer a tall young feller with black hair an' a scar across his forehead, who was a-goin' through the mountains a-settlin' these wars, blame me ef I believe thar ever would 'a' been any mo' preachin' on Kingdom-Come.

"I don't understand," said his prospective daughter-in-law, haughtily. "O boundless depth! Rest the poor mortal down, mates, while I take breath to humour her. Why, my dear, you must know from my tellin' that there hev a-been such a misfortunate goin's on as a wreck, hereabouts." He paused to shake the rain out of his hat and whiskers. Ruby stole a look at the oil-skin.

I'd a-thought he'd kept 'em in the safe down at the store." Matt had just been considering the vision of the throttled man as he had last looked upon him in the dim light of the electric lantern; but he did not start at the mention of him. "There's no tellin'," he answered. "He might a-been getting ready to chuck his pardner.

You see, it looked like there might a-been a leetle chance one time of his takin' the teacher away so jail was the best place for 'im. I wouldn't be tellin' you this, but but there's other things to be considered." "Are you drunk?" Jess suddenly asked. "No, I ain't drunk! Come on; I'll go!" "Don't be so danged fast, young feller," the sheriff advised. "When did you kill Tusk?" "Last week.

He had no chance to speak before Teola, too, with streaming hair, her nightrobe clutched convulsively in one hand, opened the hall door. The scene whirled before her like a frightful nightmare. The fisher-girl turned and faced her. "Yer Pappy air a-beatin' me ... I hev a-been stealin' milk." Her words fell between little, broken gasps. They touched Frederick as he never had been touched before.

And I don't think as I should a-been found yet; 'cause it was a funny kind of life, that run-a-way life, a dodging of the man-hunters; but you see, marser, I sort o' pined arter the child meaning Miss Sybil, who was then about four years old. And, moreover, it was fotch to me by a secret friend o' mine, as the child was likewise a pining arter me.

"Why not?" demanded Cai, whose thoughts were beginning to work. "Far as I can see you did the very same thing; so anyway you can't complain." "Yes, I can. You know very well I never set up to be a scholar, same as you. By rights you're the scratch boat on this handicap, yet you tried to steal allowance. I thought you'd a-been a better sportsman."