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Propitious was the moment, and happy was the hour, When all that he had longed for had come into his power. And he said: "Thrice happy is the wall, and happy is the bar, Tho' from my fond embraces, Zaida, it keeps thee far; For long as thou shalt live on earth, my Zaida, thou art mine; And the heart that in my bosom beats, long as it beats, is thine.

And Zaida Cegri, desolate, Whom by the cruel cast of fate, Within one hour, the brandished blade From wife had mourning widow made, On Albenzaide's corse was bowed, Shedding hot tears, with weeping loud. Bright as the gold of Araby Shone out her locks unbound; And while, as if to staunch the blood, Her hand lay on the wound, She fixed her glances on Gazul, Still by his foes attacked.

Celinda heard in jealous doubt; For some, with envious art, Had told her that fair Zaida still Ruled o'er the warrior's heart. She answered him in stormy rage: "If in the joust thou dost engage With such success as I desire, And all thy broken oaths require, Thou wilt not reach Sanlucar's square So proud as when thou last wert there.

At the first note Kaid started, and his eyes fastened upon the screen behind which sat the singer. Then, as the voice, in sweet anguish, filled the court-yard, entrancing them all, rose higher and higher, fell and died away, he got to his feet, and called out hoarsely: "Come come forth!" Slowly a graceful, veiled figure came from behind the great screen. He took a step forward. "Zaida!

He asks that one would fetch a steed, Of his good mare no more he recks, For womankind have done him wrong, And she is woman in her sex. The plumes of yellow, blue, and white From off his bonnet brim he tears, He will no longer carry them; They are the colors Zaida wears.

Zaida!" he said gently, amazedly. She salaamed low. "Forgive me, O my lord!" she said, in a whispering voice, drawing her veil about her head. "It was my soul's desire to look upon thy face once more." "Whither didst thou go at Harrik's death? I sent to find thee, and give thee safety; but thou wert gone, none knew where." "O my lord, what was I but a mote in thy sun, that thou shouldst seek me?"

Zaida was gone I had brought food and a balass of water to her door those many times; there was naught to do, since she was gone " Suddenly David took a step nearer to him and looked into the sullen and drooping eyes. "Thou shalt go with me, Achmet. I will do this unlawful act for thee. At daybreak I will give thee orders.

It was arranged with King Zaida that the islanders of Ternate should make a demonstration against Tydor, being set across the strait in Dutch vessels. Sebastian, however, having little faith in oriental tenacity, entrusted the real work of storming the fortress to his own soldiers and sailors. On a fine morning in May the assault was delivered in magnificent style.

And now she blushes with desire, now grows with envy pale; Her heart is like the changing beam that quivers in the scale. Alminda sees the lovely dame with sudden anguish start, And speaks with hope she may reveal the secret of her heart. And troubled Zaida makes reply, "A sudden thought of ill Has flashed across my mind and caused the anguish that I feel."

It was the voice of Zaida, who, preying upon his superstitious mind she knew the hallucination which possessed him concerning her he had cast to the lions and having given the terrible secret to Kaid, whom she had ever loved, would still save Harrik from the sure vengeance which must fall upon him. Her design had worked, but not as she intended.