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Briefly David told him how Zaida was found upon her sister's grave. Kaid's face was turned away as he listened. "She spoke no word of me?" Kaid said at last. "To whom should she speak?" David asked gently. "But the amulet thou gavest her, set with one red jewel, it was clasped in her hand in death." Suddenly Kaid's anger blazed. "Now shall Achmet die," he burst out.

Thou wouldst do justice, O Effendina; but canst thou do double justice ay, a thousandfold? Then" his voice raised almost shrilly "then do it upon Achmet Pasha. She Zaida told me where I should find the bridge-opener." "Zaida once more!" Kaid murmured. "She had learned all in Achmet's harem hearing speech between Achmet and the man whom thou didst deliver to my hands yesterday."

Nevertheless, I must make one condition. Before your departure, you will swear by the Prophet, that no harm shall be done to Osmin or Zaida. "'Osmin and Zaida belong to me, and I shall do what I please with them. "'Then your highness will be pleased to deliver them over to me, to be punished according to the laws of the country; and, until you do so, you will not be allowed to leave Naples.

Fair Zaida ne'er forgets that he is prince of all the land, And ruler of the castles that at Granada stand; But gold or silver or brocade can ne'er supply the lack Of honor in a noble line whose crimes have stained it black; For sunlight never clears the sky when night has spread her cloak, But only when the glory of the morning has awoke.

Zaida was gone I had brought food and a balass of water to her door those many times; there was naught to do, since she was gone " Suddenly David took a step nearer to him and looked into the sullen and drooping eyes. "Thou shalt go with me, Achmet. I will do this unlawful act for thee. At daybreak I will give thee orders.

'Is it not your intention to cut off Osmin's head? "'That is no crime, answered the dey. "'Does not your highness purpose throwing Zaida into the sea? "'That is no crime, repeated the dey. 'I bought Osmin for five hundred piasters, and Zaida for a thousand sequins, just as I bought this pipe for a hundred ducats. "'Well, said the minister, 'what does your highness deduce from that?

A man less than a pipe! A woman less than a pipe! "'Osmin is not a man, and Zaida is not a woman: they are slaves. I will cut off Osmin's head, and throw Zaida into the sea. "'No! said the magistrate. 'Not at Naples at least. "'Dog of a Christian! shouted the dey, 'do you know who I am?

"Zaida the peace of God be upon thee," he said, and gazed lovingly yet sadly upon her, for she had greatly changed. "And upon thee peace, Mahommed," she answered, and sat upon the floor, her head upon her breast. "Thou hast trouble at," he said, and put some cakes of dourha and a meated cucumber beside her. She touched the food with her fingers, but did not eat.

"Unless thou wishest in one hour Thine April hope shouldst blighted be, Oh, tell me, Tarfe, tell me true, How I may Zaida chance to see. I mean the foreigner, the wife New wedded, her with golden hair, And for each lock a charm besides She counts for she is passing fair.

"O lovely Zaida," he began, and gazed into her face, "If my presence at thy window is a burden to thy peace, One pledge bestow upon me, one pledge of love, I pray, And let me kiss thy lily hand before I sail away." The Moor rose in his stirrups, he took it from her hand, 'Twas a piece of lace of gold and silk shaped for a helmet band.