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"Faith, it's wantin' to know I am how the divvle you've iver been able to move about at all, at all, colonel, with that thing there. Look at it now, an' till me what ye think of it yoursilf, me darlint. May the saints presairve us, but did any one iver say such a leg?"

"Sir," said Battersleigh, "it's takin' advantage o' their Wisdom. The land's worth it, as you'll see yoursilf in time. The price is naught. The great fact is that they who own the land own the earth and its people. 'Tis out of the land an' the sea an' the air that all the wilth must come. Thus saith Batty the Fool.

"There's none I'd liever have shake me by the hand than yoursilf, Ned," said Battersleigh, "the more especially by this rayson, that ye've nivver believed in ould Batty at all, but thought him a visionary schamer, an' no more. Didn't ye, now, Ned; on your honour?" "No," said Franklin stoutly. "I've always known you to be the best fellow in the world." "Tut, tut!" said Battersleigh.

O'Spangarkoghomagh remarked when I called and paid him a little balance that I owed him. I've had a hard hunt for you, and had about guv you up when I came down on you in this shtyle. Freddy, me boy, I crave the privilege of axing ye a question." "Ask me a thousand, if you want," replied the boy, dancing about with delight. "Are ye sure that it's yoursilf and nobody else?

No words comin' straight nor crooked to you, have I said of you I'd not say to yoursilf, face to face. "And again now, girlie, you've talked plain here; came pretty near callin' me names, in fact. I can stand it, and I guess I deserve some of 'em.

'I wint into the crowd our men was dhrawin' breath behin' the Tyrone who was fightin' like sowls in tormint an' prisintly I came acrost little Frehan, our bugler bhoy, pokin' roun' among the best wid a rifle an' bay'nit. "Is amusin' yoursilf fwhat you're paid for, ye limb?" sez I, catchin' him by the scruff. "Come out av that an' attind to your duty," I sez; but the bhoy was not pleased.

There's no betther in this. 'Tis all bad, as you will find for yoursilf. "You're not like me, he says, tossin' his head. "'Praise the Saints, I am not, I sez. 'Fwhat I have done I have done an' been crool sorry for. Fwhin your time comes, sez I, 'ye'll remimber fwhat I say.

Despite disapproval, and a sore heart, Mary Malone had to smile perhaps as much over Dannie's eagerness in telling what was contemplated as anything. "Why don't you take Jimmy's gun and go yoursilf?" she asked. "You haven't had a day off since fishing was over." "But I have the work to do," replied Dannie, "and I couldna leave " He broke off abruptly, but the woman supplied the word.

His mother observed it. "But what you need, Jim," she went on, "is to be takin' a tuck in yoursilf. Look at the Gineral. Does he go foightin' in toimes of peace? That he don't. Will you look at the Gineral, Jim?" Now Pat and Mike had been instructed to look at the General as their pattern. This appeal was placing Jim alongside of his two big brothers.

Maybe you'd as well carry your gun at what sodgers call `the showlder, wid the muzzle pintin' at the moon so; that's it. Don't blame yoursilf, Mr Slagg. Sure, it's worse than that I was when I begood, for the nasty thing I carried wint off somehow of its own accord, an' I shot me mother's finest pig wan barrel into the tail, an' the other into the hid.