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"Jest make yerselves ter home hyere ternight, an' in the mornin' I'll put yer on the right road to A . Lors, but yer must a-had a march! Been purty much all over the woods, I reckon. Mirandy!" he continued, calling to some one inside the cabin. "Mirandy!" "I'm a-heedin', Josh. What's the matter?" inquired a scrawny, sandy-haired woman, coming to the door, with her arms akimbo.

In this manner the burthen approached, yard after yard, until it was evidently drawing near the window. "It's the captain hoisting up the big baste of a hog, for provisioning the hoose, ag'in a saige," whispered Mike to the negroes, who grinned as they tugged; "and when the cr'atur squails, see to it, that ye do not squail yerselves."

The Mope glared from one to the other; then shook his fist at Stangeist on the floor. "Youse two make me sick!" he sneered. "Wot's the use of waitin' all night? We was to bump him off, anyway, wasn't we? Dat's wot youse said yerselves, 'cause wot was ter stop him writin' out another paper if we didn't fix him fer keeps?"

You carried the Liberals into Parliament Street on your own shoulders. You believed all their fine words. You never asked yerselves, "Wot's a Liberal, anyway?" In the chorus of cheers and booing some one sang out, 'He's a jolly good fellow! 'No 'e ain't, said the Labour man, with another wheel about and a pounce.

'Sure I'm glad 'twas none of yerselves he tuk to huggin', said the faithful fellow; 'an' scrapin' as if 'twas a pratie he wanted to peel! He had his revenge on the forepaws next morning when Mr. Holt cut them off, some time before breakfast, and set them in a mound of hot ashes to bake, surrounding and crowning them further with live coals.

Elder Skates'll reel off the names, accordin' to which you can pile yerselves in accordin'ly, two 'n' two, side by side, thus 'n' so, male an' female, created He them!" Flushed with inspiration, Captain Pharo glanced triumphantly at his wife, who, at this more than Pentateuchal illustration, refused to sneer.

It took a considerable time to reach the level, and when they did so the scout led them back to the edge of the pass, which wound along fifty or a hundred feet below them. "Thar's whar we've come from," said he, as they looked down in the moonlit gorge; "and while that's mighty handy at times, yet it's a bad place to get cotched in, as yer found out for yerselves."

"Sure an' I saw your advertisement," she began, humbly, "an' I thought two such gintlemen as yerselves moight not be too hard on a daycent woman who only takes a drop or two now an' then " I led her back to the kitchen and pointed to the sink. As we passed through the dining-room she noticed the empty bottles on the table and crossed herself.

You're like a pair o' kids turned loose in a candy store. Behave yerselves an' listen to reason. "Lizzie turned upon me as if she thought it was none o' my business. Then she smiled an' hid her face on the manly breast o' Dan. "'Now Lizzie, I says, 'get yer mind in workin' order as soon as ye can. Dan, you go over an' stand by the window.

"I want yez to decide this matter fer yerselves," he told them in closing, "and I'll tell yez what I think about it when yez have made up yer minds." "Certainly we must give the money," Rod cried, as soon as the captain was through. "It's for Whyn, and who wouldn't do anything for her? He has no right to belong to this troop if he wouldn't."