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Updated: August 18, 2024

Myrover, when the cook came back, "I don't want any strange people admitted here to-day. The house will be full of our friends, and we have no room for others." "Yas'm," said the cook. She understood perfectly what her mistress meant; and what the cook thought about her mistress was a matter of no consequence. The funeral services were held at St.

My daddy worked in de mill and save his money, and twelve yeahs aftah de wah he bought two hundred and twenty acres of land, 'bout ten miles away. Den latah on daddy bought de mill from de Mosleys too. Yas'm, my daddy was well off. "My, you had to be somebody to votes. I sure do 'membahs all 'bout dat. You had to be edicated and have money to votes.

"Yas'm; he's twenty now, and big." "Whipped him!" Miss Smith repeated. "And so you can't leave?" "No'm, he say he'll sell us out and put us in de chain-gang if we go. The boys is plumb mad, but I'se a-pleadin' with 'em not to do nothin' rash." "But but I thought they had already started to work a crop on the Tolliver place?"

Cary in her turn and beckoned to Uncle Billy who had been standing by in silence. "William! conduct these soldiers through my house and show them every courtesy. If the Colonel's orders are not obeyed, report to me." "Yas'm," grinned Uncle Billy, with an opera bouffe salute. "Ev'ry molestashun I'se gwine report." Morrison laughed outright.

To say that the companion of Sam Jackson jumped at the offer hardly indicates the attitude of eagerness with which she received the proposition. "Yas'm, I kin sholy git dat much money together in th'ee weeks de way I's a-wo'kin'." "Well, now, Polly, be sure; for if you are not prompt I shall have to dispose of it where it was first promised," was the admonition.

All in my pahnaship go down in black, I s'pose, an' you'se in white. How funny it all am!" and the old woman sat back in her chair and laughed in her joyous content. "It is all a very humiliating farce to me," said Mrs. Hunter, looking severely at the former property. "Yas'm," said Aun' Sheba, suddenly becoming stolid as a graven image.

Bonnell was skeptical, but it was a case of "needs must when the de'il drives," and Juno Daphne came as substitute cook. Then Mrs. Bonnell's trials began. One morning girl after girl left her fried smelts untasted though ordinarily they were a rare delicacy in that part of the world. Mrs. Bonnell investigated. What was the trouble? Had Juno prepared them properly? "Yas'm I did.

"Don't you all remember what the Lord give Moses up on the mountain?" A hand went up in the corner, and an eager voice cried: "Yas'm, I know! Lord give Moses ten tallers, an' he duveled 'em." Before Mrs. Wiggs could enter into an argument concerning this new version of sacred history, she was hit in the eye with a paper wad. It was aimed at Billy, but when he dodged she became the victim.

"Oh, ain't this awful, Miss Cuthbert? Mr. Harrison sent me over to see if yous had come out all right." "We're none of us killed," said Marilla grimly, "and none of the buildings was struck. I hope you got off equally well." "Yas'm. Not quite so well, ma'am. We was struck.

"D'you say Mister Joe Mister Joe Hooper named your baby? How could he? He's not even home." "Yas'm. Yas'm, he is. He come in t' see Zeke this mo'nin'. Mist' Joe lookin' mighty fine." Mary Louise felt a curious sinking feeling of being shoved into a discard. And then Miss Susie came hurrying back into the room. In her hand she carried a small bundle of red flannel cloth freshly cut from the bolt.

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